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NCR soldiers - got problem with their uniform and weapons


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Hey there. I got strange issue and i can`t solve that. NCR at Primm change or just hide it`s weapon and sometime change uniform to another one from NCR, even when i look at them. I got plenty of mods and for sure it be some of em but i got no idea which one. I just want ask if some of you meet with that problem before and meybe you know what was that and how to solve it. If you wanna i copy my list of mods/plugin later. I search solve long time and nothing. Anyway if i do it by the time i write here what was that. Thanks.

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What is worst of it.
First - there is something write in "known issue" about this.
Second - that was almost last mod i disable, how the hell i didn`t check it first, that be mistery for ever. In case someone, someday search about it, here you go.

Edited by FrankensteinDR
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It could be the vanilla textures conflicting with mod textures.

Or 2 mods conflicting.


You have to choose one mod to override the others parameters so that it will win the conflict.


Or you can swap the vanilla files with the modded textures.


If you use wryebash, you can bash conflicting mods together, You can choose manually wich files you want in your 'super'mod. For example textures for armor from mod A and weapon textures from mod B.

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