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Mage Staff and Utility - Making a magic staff a veritable mage weapon


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Hmm, ok, what if we make a quest for getting the staff itself then? Like, there was an eccentric Arch Mage who was around when Winterhold fell to pieces. When you go wandering around the ruins of Winterhold, you uncover his ghost, who takes you on a quest for some undecided reason. His real reason is he is testing your caliber as a Mage in order to bequeath unto you his Magic Staff. The Stones they hand out in the college are ones he crafted back in the day when he was a Master, but his staff remains lost to this day because he died in a dungeon and know one knows where. So after you earn the Master's respect, he takes you down the dungeon and you find his staff, and use it to then defeat the monster/boss who killed the Master before.

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