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Toothless/Night Fury Mod!


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Hi Community :smile:

Sry for my bad english first!

I'm looking for a mod.
And after the dragon from "how to train your Dragon" (Toothless)
Is there such a mod already?
Or is it in development?
Please add this Cute and Deadly Dragon
here are a few 3D textures of the dragon from the movie: http://www.berksgrapevine.com/2012/09/downloadable-dragon-models-from-wild.html
Edited by NighttFury
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I am surprised nobody else has attempted this. I think the easiest way to do it would be to downscale a dragon, up its speed, color it black, and customize its fireblast so it's blue, fast, and has a large blast radius. Then maybe do the remodeling later.

In retrospect it sounds simple to me. I might try it myself.

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