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Help with Marioblivion

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Was making my own mod when I found Marioblivion, thought it would be cool to use some of the static pieces used as platforms in Marioblivion, in my own mod.

(With full intention of crediting the creator of the pieces)

The problem I ran into is that when i loaded the Marioblivion files into the CS, I didn't know saving work on my mod would add this mod to mine.

So now I get sent to the Marioblivion world whenever I try to test my mod, which I don't want.

I've tried finding the script that warps you to the Marioblivion world, and the world itself, but have had no luck.

Would really appreciate it if someone could post either the script's editor name, in-game name, the world's editor name, or its in-game name.


To anyone that can help with this, thanks.

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Wow! That is a cool mod! I am glad you pointed it out. I think I will make some Marioblivion levels to upload.


The mod structure is sort of strange. I am not certain that I have found my way into the .esp yet. If I create a new .esp of my own with the .esm as a master, I can gain access to the stuff you are looking for.


The script you are looking for is in the .esm and is PCTQuestScript which is a quest script attached to quest PTCQuest. The line of code you are looking for is:


player.moveto PTCCheckpoint01Ref


There is no worldspace, but interior cells mimicking the outdoors. For example PTCLevel01 which has the in-game name "Level 1."


The best thing for you to do might be to unpack the BSA and put the meshes and textures you want right into your mod so that your mod needs no master and the script doesn't whisk the player character away to Super Mario World. Then you could safely remove the master from your mod. Otherwise you could disable the parts of the script you don't want so that your mod will work right. If you have any problems, send me a personal message.

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