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la jetee in fallout 3


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lately i've seen a couple of mod on nexus that try to rebuild a couple of great films atmospheres

so i was wandering if somebody with script skills can try to make something interesting with this short film



briefly it's the story that originated and inspirated Terry Gilliam's twelve monkeys (yes the one with Brad Pitt and Bruce Willis)

the mod take place in the wastes where the lone wanderer meet somebody coming from the future that try to avoid the nuclear armageddon

with her/him the lone wanderer goes in a remote past Before the great nuclear war in order to kill the president of USA before he give the permission for atomic bombs' launch (this mean a white house rebuild in "before war" style)

naturally the two do not have sucess

lone wanderer should try to keep her\him alive during the mission 'till the last step ...when the other character seems to die and the lone wanderer come back to the wastes

occasionally the lone wanderer will now see the woman/man (depending on your character's sex) that try to talk to him but she cannot (there can be a sort of back love story depending on dialogue's evolution)

i find this quite fitting to fallout 3 mood

hope somebody will think about it



embarassed by my english


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