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Multiple Messages in one Script


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Can you use Multiple Messages with multiple buttons in each one in one script without it going haywire? I tried using a variable to separate each section, but no luck, all the buttons seemed to mash together.


Any help?

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Everybody has their favorite ways of doing it. Here's one of mine, using a token. It's important to keep the GetButtonPressed command isolated so it captures a button just once. Then the ShowMessage block and the button processing blocks are isolated too.


scn RHKMYMenuExampleScript

short iAwaitingInput
short iButtonPressed
short iMessageToShow
short iMessageShown

;---------- This script is launched from an armor token when added to an NPC, for example


set iMessageToShow to 1


BEGIN GameMode

	if (iMessageShown)
		if (iMessageToShow == 1)
			ShowMessage RHKMyMessageTop
			set iMessageShown to 1
			set iAwaitingInput to 1
		elseif (iMessageToShow == 2)
			ShowMessage RHKMyMessageSub1
			set iMessageShown to 2
			set iAwaitingInput to 1
		elseif (iMessageToShow == 3)
			ShowMessage RHKMyMessageSub2
			set iMessageShown to 3
			set iAwaitingInput to 1
	if (iAwaitingInput)
		set iButtonPressed to GetButtonPressed
		if (iButtonPressed > -1)
      			set iAwaitingInput to 0

			if (iMessageShown == 1)
				if (iButtonPressed == 0)	;Sub 1
					set iMessageShown to 0
					set iMessageToShow to 2					
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)	;Sub 2
					set iMessageShown to 0
					set iMessageToShow to 3	
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)	;Done
			elseif (iMessageShown == 2)
				if (iButtonPressed == 0)
						;Do stuff
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)
						;Do Stuff
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)
						;Do Stuff
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 3)	;Back
					set iMessageShown to 0
					set iMessageToShow to 1
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 4)	;Done
			elseif (iMessageShown == 3)	
				if (iButtonPressed == 0)
						;Do stuff
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)
						;Do Stuff
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)
						;Do Stuff
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 3)	;Back
					set iMessageShown to 0
					set iMessageToShow to 1
				elseif (iButtonPressed == 4)	;Done

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Just Highlight it to see it.


I'm still having problems with it; the main message doesn't go anywhere when I want it to, this is my code:


SCN 000VoiceBoxX

short iAwaitingInput
short iButtonPressed
short iMessageToShow
short iMessageShown

;---------- This script is launched from an armor token when added to an NPC, for example


       set iMessageToShow to 1


BEGIN GameMode
		If (iMessageShown)
                       if (iMessageToShow == 1)
                               ShowMessage 000VoiceMainMessage
                               set iMessageShown to 1
                               set iAwaitingInput to 1
                       elseif (iMessageToShow == 2)
                               ShowMessage 000VoiceTaunt01Message
                               set iMessageShown to 2
                               set iAwaitingInput to 1
                       elseif (iMessageToShow == 3)
                               ShowMessage 000VoiceBattleMessage
                               set iMessageShown to 3
                               set iAwaitingInput to 1
                       elseif (iMessageToShow == 4)
                               ShowMessage 000VoiceTaunt02Message
                               set iMessageShown to 4
                               set iAwaitingInput to 1
               if (iAwaitingInput)
                       set iButtonPressed to GetButtonPressed
                       if (iButtonPressed > -1)
                       set iAwaitingInput to 0

                               if (iMessageShown == 1)
                                       if (iButtonPressed == 0)        ;Sub 1
					                  set iMessageShown to 0
                                               set iMessageToShow to 2                                 
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)    ;Sub 2
                                               set iMessageShown to 0
                                               set iMessageToShow to 3 
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)    ;Done
                               elseif (iMessageShown == 2)
                                       if (iButtonPressed == 0)
										;Do stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt01
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt02
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt03
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 3)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt04
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 4)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt05
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 5)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt06
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 6)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt07
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 7)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt08
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 8)    ;Next
                                               set iMessageShown to 0
                                               set iMessageToShow to 4
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 9)    ;Done


                               elseif (iMessageShown == 4)
                                       if (iButtonPressed == 0)
										;Do stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt09
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt10
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt11
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 3)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt12
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 4)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt13
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 5)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt14
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 6)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt15
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 7)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt16
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 8)    ;Back
                                               set iMessageShown to 0
                                               set iMessageToShow to 2
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 9)    ;Done


                               elseif (iMessageShown == 3)     
                                       if (iButtonPressed == 0)
                                                       ;Do stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceBC01
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceBC02
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 2)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceBC03
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 3)
                                                       ;Do Stuff
										PlaySound 000VoiceBC04
                                       elseif (iButtonPressed == 4)    ;Done
            Player.UnEquipitem 000SpyVoiceBox   


For clarity I'm trying to make a voice box with multiple voices put into two categories, Taunts and Battle Cries, there are 2 pages of Taunts because their are 16 taunts, but only 4 battle cries. Because their are so many taunts, I need 2 messages to display them all, as you know you can only have 10 buttons on a single message, two on each page are Next/Back and Exit buttons.


Can you help me fix this?

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You probably want to put this line : Player.UnEquipitem 000SpyVoiceBox under the buttons where the player hit's 'Done'. Otherwise, the first message will be shown, then the voicebox will be unequipped


Also, every time a button is processed, you have to set iMessageShown to 0, then set iMessageToShow to X <---the same message number or a different number, in order to stay in the message system.


elseif (iMessageShown == 2)

if (iButtonPressed == 0)

set iMessageShown to 0

set iMessageToShow to 2

PlaySound 000VoiceTaunt01


elseif (iButtonPressed == 1)

;Do Stuff

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