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Uthgerd suddenly attack me.


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When I entered Bannered Mare, Uthgerd suddenly attack me even without talking or attacking to her. I tried to reload but it still had the problem.

I had a brawl bug patch.

I haven't install any mod that affects NPC AI.


btw, I also met her in earlier save in stable.she didn't attack me like she did in Bannered Mare.

and I tried to use kill & ressurect, disable & enable.. still attacked me.


edit: as well as I enter the Dragonreach.

Edited by firstlegacy
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  • 6 years later...

I had entered Whiterun from finishing the quest with the companions and that Farkus who first turns into a Warewolf. I sold my stuff at the Blacksmith's and I accidently attacked her so i reloaded my game and did the tedious part again. On my way to the companions Ulthgar runs down from the stairs to attack me in the circular market area (area infront of Bannered Mare)Farkus defended me and I just watched not knowing what to do. I reloaded my game. The save just before the merchant I still get her attacking me. the ones a little before the merchant I dont. Intersting, is it possible the save some how remembered my attack? is there another reason she would seek me out?



PS. Farkus won the fight btw and Ulthgar died not just yielded. Of course not liking this I reloaded a further back save.

Edited by qaz1qaz1qa
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