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Raiders, Ghouls, or Super Mutants?


Raiders, Ghouls, or Super Mutants?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick 1

    • Raiders
    • Feral Ghouls
    • Super Mutants
    • I'd rather just explore in peace.
    • I want to fight every second!!

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I'm working on Project Brazil, and I'm starting to get to the point where I want to add enemies. We have an old, beaten up car tunnel, and a parking garage in Los Angles. There are two settlements of happy humans trying to survive in the downtown. there is a gigantic Raider camp further inside Santa Monica, set up where a prison once stood.


But as for the Car tunnel, Metro station, old I-108 Overpass, and other areas:


What do you rather fight? Ghouls, Raiders, or Super Mutants? I cant have all three, that would make no sense. It's all or none.



[Edit: Project Brazil has nothing to do with the Country of Brazil, actually.]

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Supermutants wouldn't make sense as the U.S was the only place where F.E.V. which is required to make supermutants and also Raiders make more sense since barzil probobly wasn't directly hit so not much radiation and not enough to make ghouls so Radiers make the most sense because Brazil has a crime problem already and it would make sense for radiers to be there. :)
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I'd say SM. But only for the reason that they are a tougher enemy. If you were to beef up the ghouls so they can put up a decent fight, then I'd go with them. If you want my opinion, all the creatures in Fallout are wimpy. They need their health quadrupled or quintupled to be of any challenge.
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Here's my two cents:




Having it set up so that, at any given moment, a certain location could be swamped with raiders... or with ghouls... or with raiders fighting ghouls preying on wastelanders who just killed a bunch of dogs... or whatever... would be far more interesting than knowing 'Hey, this place is always full of -raiders-... do I really want to go kill those losers again' or 'Hmm... ghoul-den No. 300689.225. I think I'll pass.' So, if you set up a couple of 'randomization' leveled lists... with a variety of different types of creatures and NPC's... then you can just add them in alongside the regular leveled lists.


So for instance:


Let's say you car tunnel is almost always full of ghouls.


That's a given. But at any given time, when you trudge in there, you might just find that raiders have come through and kicked some ghoul arse. Or maybe some Super Mutants were passing through, needed a place to take up shelter, and decided to wipe out the feral ghouls hiding down there.


Or maybe, just by chance, a couple of caravaners and their guards dive into the tunnel to get out of the rain, find themselves caught in the middle of a battle between feral ghouls and Raiders... and politely wait for both sides to duke it out briefly before taking them both out with the small surplus of grenades they had had for trade.


I'm just sayin'...


The same thing, over and over, is only fun for so long. Add in a little variety... the element of chance... and you'll find that your locations are more interesting.


At least, in principal. Sometimes, you just get a CRAPLOAD of Ghouls in the tunnel.


Such is life.

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I guess for a while there I was so busy trying to find a way to make sure the "modern FPS gamer" was getting their action fix, that I forgot that I was telling as story.


OH GOD! I've become Bethesda!


Astramune, that was very helpful. After your player arrives off of the sand dunes, you step into a three way battle between the Urbanite Rebels and their Tribal Raider neighbors. That has a lot of dialogue from both sides, actually, it's not just - "suddenly I'm fighting a war! Boooom Kachboooom! Why are they shooting at us? I don't know! Booooom!"


Then you fight Super Mutants down below... so... Yeah. Raiders. I'll make a story.

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