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Guest TreborMarg

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Guest TreborMarg

I have a few guards (presumably in every city) with imperial female voices and DMRA bodies in skimpy armor normally would not complain about that but they have MALE HEADS with 5 o'clock shadows and everything !!! PLEASE HELP here is my noobish load order (click to enlarge)



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Place the mod that creates the female gaurds further down in your load order.A cosmetic/race mod is not allowing the mod that adds the female gaurds to change the faces. You may need to do some editing with the Construction Set to make the charaters have a female face in game.
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Guest TreborMarg

Place the mod that creates the female gaurds further down in your load order.A cosmetic/race mod is not allowing the mod that adds the female gaurds to change the faces. You may need to do some editing with the Construction Set to make the charaters have a female face in game.

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Guest TreborMarg
Thank you so much for your fast replies !!! But witch mod are you talking about I did not DL a mod that changes the guards anywhere to my knowledge. I'm pretty green though and may have made a mistake ! Is my load order showing up (click to enlarge) ? ps Terry pratchett is brilliant !
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You could try BOSS to sort out your load order. You have a lot of mods that change armors and a bad installation could cause the female armor to appear on a male, but if they have an imperial female voice??? Colourwheel has a mod that makes Imperial Legion members and gaurds that are not necessary for a quest female, but it has an esp, and when the esp is unchecked the characters revert to vanilla. The problem you are having is the reason I began installing my mods as OMODs. I also keep every mod I download and install in a folder called "Oblivion Downloads", so I can find the readme for all the mods I do have active and see if it has been known to cause problems. I also to read the comments on mods before I download them so I will have an idea of problems the mod may cause in my game. Your problem is probably a replacer that did not have an esp to begin with.
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Guest TreborMarg
Thanks again for looking at my little "problem" I was thinking about checking out some things like BOSS and also WYRE BASH ( i hear with that you can combine your clothing mods fairly safely} . I do have OBMM and have been turning my mods into Omods lateley (I'm about a third of the way through my list) And I have seen colorwheels mod but I would remember something that put more sexy females in my game and thank you I do also keep back ups of all the mods I have DL'd (just got an external hard drive and putting them AND a backup of my data folder in there was my next project before this changed my course). I also just found out that an old problem reared it's ugly head again (maybe it's somehow related ?) I am missing a big chunk of the exterior of north west Bravil and the land mass right up to the road ! Last time I got rid of it by turning off my most recent mods until it came back and then one by one and checking in game I turned them back on and when they were ALL on again Bravil was still OK ! I wonder if I need to uninstall and reinstall the game and start over clean .. I sure hope not ! but it would be well worth it to get rid of said "problem" if you have time let me know what you think !! I'm gonna go upload some pics for a friend and try to find where I can give you kudos for helping me !!! Thanks Mucho !! _Edit___That was easy I found I can give Kudos right here ! Thanks Again !!
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Guest TreborMarg
Thankx So much for help I have resolved this "little problem" with your help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a armor mod I was using and when I unchecked it the problem is gone !!!!
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