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Oblivion stops immediately after running program

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You are missing the Better Cities ESM. The game is going to crash on load every time. Make sure you have a check next to it. If you do not see the Better Cities ESM, reinstall BC. Did you install it with the OMOD?


well, right now none are checked, so I can still play.

But, I've have both, after the first few times of the crashing, I deactivated

the omod and tried the manual installation.


with the BOSS master list thing.

It keeps saying BOSS master list is not in this folder etc...

and boss.bat is not available.

Re-extract BOSS. What operating system are you running?


I just added the better resources.esm and no luck still. But, as I said, this happened after

trying to install open better cities. I deactivated the mods, but, the resources may still

be there.

I think you need to reinstall BC. It sounds like the OBC uninstall removed a few things.


Alright, I just removed the manual esps and esm

and over-wrote them with the OMOD, than I was able to use the BOSS to

re-order everything. It's working fine now.


Thanks a helluva lot.

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