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My Big Castle Mod


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My scripts compiled without any errors here..?

MyCastleName is NOT to be defined in the local scripts. It's a global var.

Right now, it's not getting set, but it may prove useful later, if we are to put any name-based riddles or quests in the mod.


Why I didn't make an external esp?

I don't like scripting references that aren't there. I usually get a large bunch of errors. That was why I asked you for the latest version :)


Finger of Pointing ...

Maybe it's going to be a spell? Spell OR staff? What do you prefer?

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your castle is amazingly awesome. but i got a few things you could do to help.


1. the fires behind the throne overlap the walkway there, so when you walk along it you sometimes get burnt. you dont really have to change that its only minor.



2. the collision isnt very great, cause i will accededentally run into a wall and i will fall into blackness, and then appear in a different room.it could just be the sonic shoes, probably is.



i dont have many bugs to report, but didn't you say in one of your posts you were planning on putting a large dragon statue in the courtyard? if you did, you could make that kind of "the design" for some things in your castle, like guards uniforms, which you said you needed some help with. so if you want i can go looking for some good ideas on the internet than email them to you if you want.


keep up the good work! :)

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sorry to double post, but im workin on the guards equipment and i cant get it into paintshop so i can edit it. is there any way i can save it into a folder so i can load it onto paintshop? i havent found anyway to do this yet. this may sound like a noobish question, but im kinda noobish. lol. oh and by the way the reason im not helping you with the things you need most (scripting) is cause i dont know crap about it. :D
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sorry to double post, but im workin on the guards equipment and i cant get it into paintshop so i can edit it. is there any way i can save it into a folder so i can load it onto paintshop? i havent found anyway to do this yet. this may sound like a noobish question, but im kinda noobish. lol. oh and by the way the reason im not helping you with the things you need most (scripting) is cause i dont know crap about it. :D



im not sure, i dont hav paintshop but a friend has it and he said, that theres a specific type of file it has to be.

r u sure it isnt photoshop

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sorry to double post, but im workin on the guards equipment and i cant get it into paintshop so i can edit it. is there any way i can save it into a folder so i can load it onto paintshop? i havent found anyway to do this yet. this may sound like a noobish question, but im kinda noobish. lol. oh and by the way the reason im not helping you with the things you need most (scripting) is cause i dont know crap about it. :D



im not sure, i dont hav paintshop but a friend has it and he said, that theres a specific type of file it has to be.

r u sure it isnt photoshop


im sure its paintshop, allthough it seems like it could be photoshop cause it looks like it is ment for photo editing but the name says paintshop.

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ummm im not that great with computers, so explain how i get this plugin and how to use it please.

I love computers :)

Well, you'll have to ask somebody else. Maybe find a tutorial, or ask Big G or Jeeves.


I'm broke, so I use GNU software :~}

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Here some few suggestions for the logo :

Tell me if you like some or if you want other things ^
















Some others : http://www.davidrankineart.com/totem_image_note_cards.htm





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i also got a few pictures for the cuirass and shield design. the first one is a bunch of tatoo designs. the second is one of my personal favourites i got a few more if u want to see them. oh yah i when i said i need some instructionfor the dds. plugins i meant like full instructions. i like computers, but im new to all this plugin and scripting busness :D



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