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Neal Asher's Shuriken


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Greetings and Salutations.


I'm new to the forums, but have spent goodly amounts of time downloading FO3 mods from the site.


First a little background for people who haven't read the excellent Neal Asher "Cormac" books. The hero of the series, Ian Cormac, is a special agent (in this case more of a policeman than spy, although with elements of both). He has a small wrist mounted weapon called Shuriken, which reads more like a small drone with AI capabilities than a throwing star. Shuriken can be programmed with various attack parameters, and will also use its AI to override those programs to defend Cormac if it deems it necessary.


After playing the excellent "An Evening with Mr. Manchester" by Puce Moose, I wondered if there would be some way of combining the abilities of the MTS Turret with a flying unit to produce something akin to Shuriken. I have no experience modding, although I can read and generally understand any produced script, I wouldn't know where to start in producing one. I'm not worried about any sort of projectile capability since Shuriken is itself a blade weapon.


From my limited knowledge (and pure guesswork) I'd guess that something like a bloatfly, with a turret targeting package, but a melee blade weapon rather than a gun, is the kind of hodgepodge combination that I'd be looking for. The trick is to combine those into a weapon that can hover around a player. Additionally, limits could be placed on the amount of time Shuriken could be airborne before returning to its wrist holster to recharge (insert power source here).


If anyone fancies taking on the challenge, good luck. Or conversely if someone points out the (probable) impossibility of the concept, then that would be good to know too, so that I could stop dreaming :)





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