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Transferring character's face from Fo3 to NV


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This does the trick:
Start a new game with a character with the same race and gender as your fallout 3 one and save the game (you can save before using the vigor tester at the earliest).
Next download and install the tool I linked you too. Launch the tool and select your fallout 3 save (found in Documents/My Games/Fallout 3/Saves/) as the Input File and your new fallout new vegas (Documents/My Games/FalloutNV/Saves) as the Output File and click transfer and the next time you load that save you should have the face.

If you do want to make one of the presets have the face from fallout 3 it's a bit more complicated.
First open GECK and make a slight edit to a preset of the correct race and gender (or create a new NPC and check the is faceGenPreset box) and save it as an esp.
Next download this program http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/9064/? and set the fallout 3 save (should work for NV saves too though) as the input.
Now open the mod you made in GECK in FNVedit and find the entry for the NPC
Now scroll down to FaceGen Data and copy the first line of output in the faceExchange tool into the FaceGen Geometry-Symmetric box (you need to hold shift and click on the box to edit it). Then copy line 2 of the exchange tool into the FaceGen Geometry-Asymmetric and line 3 into FaceGen Textures-Symmetric. Save the file in FNVedit and add the mod to your load order and your done.

Hope this helps :smile:

Edited by flamenx01
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