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Star Trek - a new lore mission mod


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I think a really cool mod would involve the Star Trek universe to merge with the Fallout universe. For anyone who hasn't watched the show there is something called the "temporal police" and the "temporal prime directive" which basically is a whole section of lore involving time travel and changing history. My idea would be a mission where you find an aged star trek space ship, and inside would be ghouls who are all wearing star trek uniforms. You would find a ghoul who is still coherant, and not a mindless zombie attacking people deep inside the ship accompanied by a vulcan ghoul-- the human ghoul will be the captain/quest giver, while the vulcan ghoul will be the companion you gain. You'll discover the ship is from the future, and came from a time where humanity was prosperous and traveled the stars with many other aliens. You'll be sent to gather items for the captain, trying to repair their ship and eventually will uncover that they were trying to stop the borg from changing human history but along the way they made too many changes and there was the nuclear war that caused the fallout universe to be as it is today. You'll be sent to kill off the remaining borg colony on the planet, and then also to gather materials for them to repair their ship. It could end with them trying to take off and leave but instead, the ship explodes.



Not sure if it's doable, probably too big and complex! But, I thought it would be cool if it existed. A sort of trekkie twist to the Fallout lore. ^.^

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This is what the temporal guys look like, but you might want to go with a more standard uniform so people know what it is xD








7 of 9 before she was liberated (borg drone).





Wouldn't it be interesting to go inside to find the creepy borg queen all wired up in some lair?





And a cardassian example (spelled it wrong above, damn reality tv family haha). I could see them doing something like an alliance with the borg for the sake of gaining an upper hand against the federation :P

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Greetings Menagra,

Despite the fact that I have never watched the Star Trek television series or watched any of the movies besides the one made in 2011, I would like to take you up on creating this mod. The concept sounds very interesting too me and how the Star Trek universe could cross over into the Fallout universe, which very much intrigues me. I could create wearable uniforms for all the Ghoulified crew members, make all the scenery and even do the quest, but only with your input. If you're interested in making this project a reality, contact me over Skype, Steam, or Email. Whichever suits you, just private message me whatever you would wish to talk to me over and I will get back to you





-Master Pumpkin

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