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capital wasteland in fallout new vegas


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ok so i was thinking it would be really badass if you could find like a plane in the fallout 3 wasteland (probly after you beat the main story line or broken steel or something) that lets you fly to new vegas, (and keep your perks, exp, items, even mods from fo3) where you get a job to take a "package" as a currier and someone (named benny in a "daisey" suit) shoots you in the head, and you find your gear when you get the chip or something, but tie it in there somewhere, and then you can play new vegas and the dlcs with your fallout 3 character, i know this is possible to an extent by copying and pasting ALL (f*** my life) the cells in fallout 3 to new vegas or from new vegas to fallout 3 and adding a "door/portal" from the fallout 3 cell to the new vegas cell, but i imagine there would be issues for sure, or maby you could just copy the game files... or maby there is a magic troll somewhere who can do it for us, but bottom line i think it would be really cool to be able to have one character for both games and be able to travel freely between the capitol wasteland and the Mohave wasteland, and have things connected (maby even to the point where the brotherhood of steel attacks you in dc when you (spoiler alert!!) blow up the bos bunker in hidden vally.

my geck is messed up now (ill paste a link in a new comment on whats wrong) but if that is doable, even with a team ill help as best i can, i have fair knowledge if the geck and im tring to learn nifskope and gimp, but the practice and knowledge i gain from helping with such a mod will be plenty motivation, as if playing the mod itself wouldnt be haaha, this is what my dreams are made of lol, so please anyone on board or have ideas or experience with creating intricate mods, let me know, and i would really like to try to use existing mods (type 3, sprint and grenade mod, dynamic weather, marts mutants, even Alton Il, cube experimental, dc moods, also, the street light mod, i love my fallout 3 mods haha) possibly even incorporate them into the fo3-nv link mod (it even has a name lol) to make it the best experience ever for fallout lovers, at least til fo4 is released, and who knows maby we can include that somewhere down the line if bethsoft will quit torturing us haha

feel free to message me about this and iv got a decent picture of what i think it should be painted in my head, so lets get the ball rolling guys!!!!

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ohhh, cause then you could get new vegas or fo3 for free... gotcha, what if there were a program that just used the cells from your already purchased new vegas and just loaded new vegas when you traveled there and loaded fo 3 when you went back or copy and pasted your character (stats, gear, perks ect, and added the missing files, the dart gun from 3, and the 9mm pistol from nv, or somthing.... kinda as seamlessly as possible.... idk that kinda ruins my day, there has to be a way around it, well im going to cry myself to sleem now and blow snot bubbles whle my lip is quivering, like in grandmas boy ahah... there has to be a way, a real legal way, time to call that magic troll.....

Edited by bryghen1990
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i dont want to break the law or cause any kind of problem for bethesda, because they are one of the few gaming companies that i think are staying true to the players instead of there pocketbooks, but would it mess with the legalities if there were a program or something that just copied the character from 3 and put it into nv, and vice versa? or what if the software was given to bethsoft with a document consenting bethesda regulate it how they want to?

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