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How do You maek a custom character


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the whole alpha channel etc stuff is like O.O wtf are you talking about for me XP so im having to do a little read and then do a little then read XD matte stuff is last on my table as i work on the face skin part gloss or no gloss can wait XP
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-sighs- i think i finished it im not sure im reading through the stuff, but i cross my fingers and hope that it will actually work and not screw up my textures >.>;;;;;
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Getting ready to upload :biggrin:




I can help along with any questions on the textures etc now. I know the race creation thing pretty well as of tonight :woot:

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nice i can send you the files i have done and see what you think or well ill just take a screen shot unless you want them XD I was gonna add them to the elves and all but i don't have the ear file texture so i dunno...O.o;;;;
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I was trying to add the scar to this skin but i have had no luck doing so to the face, U.U but anyway ive zipped them ill add them and link you so you can see if i it looks alright and tell me how to add it cause im confused XD
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Uploading you character now.


Yeah the scars can be tricky. Take a look at the finished one your character, if ya like it I can add it to any face texture or tweak it as ya want.


If ya need help with something just send me a pm with a link to download it and I'll see what I can do :)


I'll send you a pm as soon as the "Ivy Race" is done uploading.

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lol damn i already linked here lol opps -holds head- splitting headache due to a screaming angry almost 3 yr old whom is pissed and nothing will fix it apparently T-T;;;;
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Hmmm.... can't download that file. Maybe it takes abit after you upload it.


This is the final scar on your race I'm uploading. I may have to darken it abit.



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