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How do You maek a custom character


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lol I forgot to save my race i had created when i deleted oblivion so i just had to make it all again O.< jezzz im not thinking lately wonder if my save will even work think i named them the same XD
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-crosses fingers- i hope it works hun this has been a trying experience hasn't it XD

lol if this works i swear i will take a screen shot and send it to you and i'll wish i had a tail nuzzling animation XD

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hummmm ok in the cs i returned can see the tabaxi tail but not the edit im gonna try and load the save game and hope >.>;;; and im gonna just reinstall the folder you gave me, then plop the nif in
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i understand that 100%

ugh >.< well at the moment suddenly the games freezing up in the loading process

-bangs head on desk- mmmk so yeah maybe this is my mods fault, *removes it's check a moment*


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