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How do You maek a custom character


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<3 by the way the tail looks great, ^^

I am going to work on reading more, and thanks for that link, ive had someone else tell me a completely different way to do it so XD

now its likely to not crash my TES to desktop >.< -shakes head- it was sad I had saved and it crashed T-T

least it was just a test of a character attempt..

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If you can come up with a good description of what you want changed on the Tabaxi Race to make it more to your liking I can give ya a hand tonight when I get home from work. The ears are easy. I'll check back when I get home.
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Well, I wanted to customize the face with an / across the nose, like a scar. I am still reading on how to do the basic stuff. I have a race made but the eyes and hair refuses to change XD (shakes head) test race (elf since it was there) but yeah so im working on fixing the eyes and such >.<; the ears are like the wrong color XD (such fun the joys of experimentation, oh and just learned i messed up my skins on all my characters since i added a skin texture thing...)


But as for the race,

I wanted the fur to be solid white, (aiming alot like that image, to be honest) Here is that link, to keep from having to go back


But I am going to do the make up skin i guess in photoshop? idea for the eyes

(that likely is gonna be a whole new tutorial to do I just downloaded nifskope


But yeah just finished re-editing the test race to see if I got the process this time, (the race type i used didn't find the hair...o.o;; dunno)

But uhm, let me see the scar i was talking about i think i have an example of it http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1007/d28/1317/05fd633.png thats the scar, something like that is what i wanna do, the whole things is a bit thick of an example, but thats the idea,


-sighs- the damn eyes are messed up on the test race, i have eyes that are white and one black and i dunno why -looks to faq-

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well -twitches- looks as if I will be deleting all of my oblivion game and files to make a clean install, due to some issues with mods overlapping now, apparently the CURP and kvatch reborn breaks the damn main quest XD or maybe even another mod, that conflicts so this time I will remember to make a copy of the files before installing >.< (which i had forgotten I had used to fix it this time)


So is there a place that shows you how to merge or whatever you need to do to the cosmetic packs cause this is annoying with the one shinny eye and one black eye. I figured it was a issue with ren and the other eye mods i have, with different races adding in their own eyes -.-


I am going to go look through the files for it, but yeah, so I might be a while checking back in, like later tonight or in the morning at the latest think ill just skip installing fcom and curp, or anything other then basic needs like cobl obmm etc, (checks for updates to all those types)

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I love that one, actually, ^.^

yeah working on reinstalling mods, (fcom and Curp disaster struck)

by the way i love the gifs in your sig, i just paid attention to it and snickered,

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I love that one, actually, ^.^

yeah working on reinstalling mods, (fcom and Curp disaster struck)

by the way i love the gifs in your sig, i just paid attention to it and snickered,


Lol cool. I'll see what I can whip up after work to help ya along. Never did a custom race myself but sounds fun :P

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well I just finished my test race before i reinstall and delete i wanted to look at it and see, other then a skin issue, i seemed to have figured out the issue, due to the head installed (a race that used ren which is the source of the evil eye issue) it hadn't been working, now there is a race that has like screwy skin, i am using but due to frustration I decided to give my noob character a god weapon and go in and just start killing people in the market district till the guards attack and begin a "Killing spree" to get out my frustration XD


LoL you should see the previous race I wanted to create, but since i have 0 modding knowledge I have let the idea rest a bit, but i can show you the idea anyway in a minute, when i locate that thread XD

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The Race I was wanting to do a while back


This is one race I was wanting to make, but I still am not ready to try and take that on XD

I'm taking baby steps, it was originally going to be in the mod i was making, that was going to take the underpal cave and put a replica into the blackmarsh area, near the bottom, and have it be the entrance to a portal opened by a goddess, to save her people, from a the coming destruction, they were to be tossed into this world and that would be the beginning of a massive quest to restore order to their home world and you would end up with a custom, house that was a massive tree, it was more for the ranger and druid type characters.


that ended up being a bad experience, took on to much at once, all my doors entering them i was always on the opposite side of the door that I needed to be thus falling through the map XD But yeah, still gonna work up to that, but going to do it in parts like someone suggested, like start off with the race, then the mount, the sword, the armor, then slowly make my way up to the house, then trying the dungeon, with race inside it in shifty tents, and then eventually the portal and toss the house and the castles etc, into it and see how that goes, but this might end up on hold a while XD got to get the basics down before I can work up to it, hell never know one day it might sink in and I am like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH duh -smacks head- XD

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