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Merging mods with FNVEdit (the quick way)


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Hello, I'd like to know how to merge mods so I can have less esp in my data folder, the ones i want to merge are weapons, so let's say i want to merge AK47 with the AWP and the M4A1 instead of having 3 esp I would have only 1, I know how to make it the long way by adding FormID, Editor ID, change the whole stuff (fire rate, skill, cost, repair and the whole big list ya know).


So there is my question, I wonder if there is a quick way like copy and paste? I've tried '' Copy as a new record '' but it add the other esp as a master and that's not what I want, I've tried some app once but it wasn't good at all so if anyone know the answer I'd like to hear it! Thanks in advance.

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