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Possible New Cheat Found

assassin no1

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ok here it is you have to have the acrobat or a class with sneak ability, ok now after the sewers go to the prison right away and ask to visit a prisoner. Then sneak down to the prisoner to the right and steal from the prisoner, he has nothing, keep repeating this for a easy level up.


works with any npc but this way is easyer.




also works with the xbox360 version of the game


oblivion rules i have both.. 8)


this cheat probably already has been found, but you never know.

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Sounds nice, but in what way is this a cheat? Can't the prisoner catch you stealing (nothing ;D )and call the guards? What is better about training sneak by pickpocketing that prisoner, instead of anyone else? The only thing that I can think of is that he can't run after you when he notices you stealing. But if he calls the guards that doesn't really matter right?
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  assassin no1 said:
ok here it is you have to have the acrobat or a class with sneak ability, ok now after the sewers go to the prison right away and ask to visit a prisoner. Then sneak down to the prisoner to the right and steal from the prisoner, he has nothing, keep repeating this for a easy level up.


works with any npc but this way is easyer.




also works with the xbox360 version of the game


oblivion rules i have both.. 8)


this cheat probably already has been found, but you never know.


best way to get 100 sneak, is at teh begining of the game, before you've even left teh sewers for the first time! all you have to do, is when you first come across that zombie is wait till the rats run past you, then kill the zombie. the rats will still run away. follow them, but don't approach them. they'll be at teh door that you just came through. sneak into the corner that is to the left of the door (not the one right next to the door that the rats are at, but the one just round the corner so you can't see the rats) then just put auto run on whilst your sneaking and leave it to work!!! the computer thinks teh rats are enemies, so you sneaking will go up. the rats never attack you! no idea why tho... :S lol its useful though really useful enjoy! oh btw, you have to come back every 25 skill levels to click ok, but that ain't no biggy and youll have 100 sneak in about 2 hours max maybe 2 and a half :P

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best way to get 100 sneak, is at teh begining of the game, before you've even left teh sewers for the first time! all you have to do, is when you first come across that zombie is wait till the rats run past you, then kill the zombie. the rats will still run away. follow them, but don't approach them. they'll be at teh door that you just came through. sneak into the corner that is to the left of the door (not the one right next to the door that the rats are at, but the one just round the corner so you can't see the rats) then just put auto run on whilst your sneaking and leave it to work!!! the computer thinks teh rats are enemies, so you sneaking will go up. the rats never attack you! no idea why tho... :S lol its useful though really useful enjoy! oh btw, you have to come back every 25 skill levels to click ok, but that ain't no biggy and youll have 100 sneak in about 2 hours max maybe 2 and a half :P


nice But my way is better, less then a hour in a half to get to 100 sneak and no you will not get caught, cause the gaurds wont care because he's behind bars. Also he does'nt call out either, at least he did'nt for me, anyway have fun sneaking and stealing, the best guild is the thieve's guild..


its best to have all class and birthsigns filled out before doing this trick or cheat.


have fun modding


assassins rule

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