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Wesker's Samurai Edge


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thats not technically a samurai edge its just a stars custom M92-F, the samurai edge has an extended barrel. but your in luck because the textures and meshes for the real samurai edge are available and can be easy changed to mirror your pictures.

attached is a picture of the samurai edge like some other modders have made.

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Well technically, this IS a Samurai Edge Custom. In the Resident Evil series, the entire STARS unit uses specially modified M-92FS Beretta handguns. Only a few of the STARS members had theirs specially customized (AKA Wesker's and Barry's which is the one you posted and has already been implemented in Fallout 3). Thanks for the reply though.
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Ever heard about option called "search"?

Just visit the mods download site, and type in "Samurai Edge", you idiot (no offence but people like you are annoying)!! I found 5, DAMN 5! results. Here's a one:



Read his Second post properly, he's Fully aware that Barry's Model (the one you linked) has been made, and he's asking for Wesker's Model.


and b2tharizzad, bumping is against the rules.

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Just warms my heart having people flaming me in text haha. BTW, I'm an avid searcher in Nexus and I'm pretty sure I have NEVER seen this model recreated yet. Just because I'm the one requesting a mod be created because I have no experience with modeling and really don't have the time to take it up doesn't mean I'm completely retarded. So please, since I'm such an idiot, show me where you have seen this. (And I apologize about the bumps. I did not know this was against forum policy. It has been noted and won't happen again.)
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