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I tried to make a custom race but I have a few major problems.


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I was trying to make my own "Dagons Spawn" race which was gonna be my own race that is supposed to be Mehrunes Dagon as an Argonian. But the thing is, I duplicated the Argonian race in construction set thing and when I put my race in-game, all the argonian NPC's (and PC's) had no face, only the teeth eyes and "hair". And all argonians were as tall of my custom race. How do I change this so my race has the head and stuff and only my race is tall and stuff not all argonian. Could it be cause I didn't change the race ID or whatever? Im very new to modding by the way.
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I was trying to make my own "Dagons Spawn" race which was gonna be my own race that is supposed to be Mehrunes Dagon as an Argonian. But the thing is, I duplicated the Argonian race in construction set thing and when I put my race in-game, all the argonian NPC's (and PC's) had no face, only the teeth eyes and "hair". And all argonians were as tall of my custom race. How do I change this so my race has the head and stuff and only my race is tall and stuff not all argonian. Could it be cause I didn't change the race ID or whatever? Im very new to modding by the way.


Your problem is definitely caused by not giving the race a unique ID. Go here for a good race creation tutorial to get you started.


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When I changed the ID and enabled the race. I didn't see the race in the new game menu thing. I finally get it to work but then something else breaks. And for some reason, my Kajhiits(or how ever you spell it) hair is some how black and see through. What in the heck is going on?!
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