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Where does my merged patch go?


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After you create your merged patch in FO3Edit, it should ask for a name. It doesn't actually create the file until you quit FO3edit, then a window should pop up asking which files to save. The file you named earlier should be in this window with a checkbox next to it.


If it's not asking to save the file then it's having other problems. Is there anything in the messages pane in FO3Edit?


As for where it saves the file. It goes into the same directory as your other addons. Fallout 3\data


FOMM should see it the next time you fire it up and add it to your list automatically.

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yes im able to save to save it but i cant find it under the data folders :(


It should save it to the same place as your other mods. What are you naming it? Did you try sorting the list by date? It should be the first or last file depending on sort direction.

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i named it mergedpatch without the esp. it's supposed to be saved in the DATA folder right?


Yes. FO3edit will add the .esp extension. When you quit FO3edit does it ask you to save the file? To clarify, there will be two windows that pop up. One if when you first click "Create Merged Patch". That is the window you enter "MergedPatch". Then when you quit FO3Edit (or hit ctrl+s) it will pop up with another window asking which files to save. Is it doing that last step? If it's not you aren't saving the file.


Once you create a merged patch, are there any records in it?

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it's asking me to save but it is not asking the directory. actually whenever i run foedit again i can see at the bottom of the list all the merge.esps that i have created.. :/


If it's in that list, then it's in your data directory. Check through your FOMM list again. It may just be sorted wrong.

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