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Mw Chomping .ini File

Cardboard Box

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OK, here's the deal. I sacrificed the partition MW was originally running on to a Fedora Core 5 install, thinking I could reinstall MW no problems on a larger drive.

  1. First, I copied the entire /Data Files/*.* hierarchy, about 3.2GB worth, over to a safe place. All my saves, mods etc.
  2. Next, uninstalled MW and CS no problems.
  3. Repartitioned and installed FC5. (The wireless is still being a nightmare, but that's not important right now.)
  4. Reinstalled MW on a cleaned out drive.
  5. Installed Tribunal.
  6. Installed Bloodmoon.
  7. The BM patch (Bloodmoon_v1.6.1820.exe) barfed (at the readme file, I think), but otherwise seemed to run properly.
  8. Copied my old /Data Files stuff into the new install.
  9. Seemed to run OK, until...

One day MW quit, claiming it couldn't find 'Font 0'. Inspection of the Morrowind.ini file revealed that it had been cut off just after the mod list had been written to it. Weather, fonts, Socius Ergalla's questions... all gone. Thank god something


I've attempted to un-and-re-install MW etc., this time reinstalling mods from scratch - no luck. However, I don't recall wiping the /Data Files folder beforehand...?


Also, I had to re-install and re-patch Bloodmoon twice before the patch 'took'.


Currently I have to set the Morrowind.ini file as read-only before play. This isn't convenient, since I have several characters on the boil, and having to un-protect the ini file, replace it with the ini for a particular character, re-protect it, and run the game is a little complex.


If someone could suggest what might solve the problem, that'd be a great help.

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Thanks for all the suggestions you didn't give. I just reinstalled, and it worked. Then I checked my text editor's settings...


When editing Morrowind.ini, save in Windows format, not Unix.

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Why did you have it set up like that anyways?

BreakThink Tank is hosted on a Unix system, and I'd been having some problems using Windows formatted text files.


Future development will be in FC5, but the grief ndiswrapper's giving me means I'll still be using Windows for FTP and such. (All I want is an RPM that'll install without whining for several zillion other modules...) Anyway I'll stop now since we're going off topic.

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You know, there's a port of vi for DOS, in case you hadn't heard.


All I want is an RPM that'll install without whining for several zillion other modules...

Ask about using a package repository. That way, all the packages that something is dependent upon get fetched automatically. Lots of other advantages, too -- in fact, I didn't think that there are any popular distributions around that don't employ such a system by default. Redhat just continues to surprise, eh?


Whatever happens, just be thankful that packages don't just overwrite all the libraries you already have installed, like on Windows.


off topic

Point being, you shouldn't be complaining about people not helping you when the problem was your screwy configuration all along.

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