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Game Freezes after command. please help


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Every time, no matter the circumstances, whenever I enter the "Showracemenu" command Skyrim will freeze and it's a pain to get it to close. I'm running around 40 mods, only a few have to do with character editing, and those are either hair, or eyes. I don't have any mod for changing the menu either.

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I had this problem too a while ago. While I can't remember the specific reason, I do remember it had something to do with a hair conflict or something with Apachii SkyHair. Using this mod fixed it for me: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29624/?


It changes the race menu to give more options for editing, but also facilitates character creation mods like hair and eyes and makes them easier to load. Might be worth a try.

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