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Custom Weapon Smithing Changes


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I've recently been pouring over some thoughts and realised there was something I thought would make a interesting mod, if difficult.


Alright, so when smithing, you unlock the range of weapons/armour to produce and you always make those weapons.


However, I thought, well, what if the PC, as a craftsman, was able to craft unique blades in game? I pondered over this for sometime till I eventually figured out a skeleton of a idea in my mind and I would go about making this myself but I have no modding talent to speak of, so I'm just putting it out here.


The Mod would add new recipes to the smithing menus. These recipes would make segments of a weapon (Blade, hilt, handle, pomel) in different shapes and materials. Ergo, different meshes and different textures. One recipe could make a Daedric material in the shape of the Orcish Sword's blade, the Ebony Sword's hilt and a Steel Sword shaped handguard and a Elven sword's pommel. These different components could then be put together to make the mix-matched Daedric sword, in your own style.


Now I realise, this would mean making every model, on every texture, in all of the segments and full weapons. That, would be a big and long project but I think it could be done, theoretically at least.


Going a bit further, perhaps integrating more segments of weapons from mods, like the Skyforge Steel Weapon mod which changed the Skyforge Steel weapons and also made Moonstone, Ebony and Dwarven material versions. Or adding katana/scimitar/etc blades. Could also be done for maces, warhammers, battle axes, great swords and war axes.


And I don't know where I got this from, possibly the Man At Arms series on youtube, but what about also making the alchemy skill relevant by making (al)chemical metal treatments possible. Similar to the way the Wuuthrad axe does extra damage to Elven races, perhaps - probably in the cooking pot or forge crafting menus - the player could combine ingredients to make various alchemical oils that can be added to the weapon segment forging process to give the blade different qualities. (A oil produced of Falmer Ears could do a little extra damage against Falmer. Using Vampire Dust to make an oil that when treated onto the blade makes Absorb Health enchantments better.) and then maybe just use regular oil for basic weapons.


Maybe even, perhaps aesthetic effects (using Glowing Mushrooms to make the blade glow slightly? Using human hearts/flesh to give it a bloody effect? Perhaps using Daedric hearts in this manner with ebony segments to make Daedric weapons? Using a solution of powdered dragonbone / scale to add a bone like look?)


Another potential feature of such a mod would be to take a already made sword, and take it apart, back into segments.


To summarise, craft little pieces of a weapon to then craft it into a actual weapon that is unique to the player. Perhaps you could also purchase segments from the Blacksmith to put them together yourself. It'd be great for roleplayers who want their Dovahkiin to have a unique weapon they've built themselves. It'd be great for people who want a particular weapon shape in a different material / texture.


I don't think anyone would actually make this into a mod, but I wanted to share at the very least and see what people thought.

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