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Looking for weapon balance overhaul


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I've been scaling the levels and have lots of awesome weapons and gear, from quests and loot, etc. . . I've been an avid blade user, and love my Debaser, but now I want to swap on over to Blunt weapons and there are no really good blunt weapons that are what I am looking for!


2 handed weapons get no love in Vanilla oblivion, and so what I want is a mod that changes that. The two main overhauls that I found are:


1) MOBS (+ MOBS DLC + MOBS Knight patch)


2) Ns Balanced Weaponry


And of the two, N's looks the best. But I can find nothing telling me if it covers the DLC and SI or not! I would really like to just use Ns Balance mod, but it would be pointless if old stat weapons still existed all over.


So if anybody can tell me if Ns covers the DLC and SI, or if there is a patch out there that I'm not finding that adds the rebalance to DLC and SI weapons.. that would be excellent.


If not, is there an alternative to MOBS that is simpler to put together, that would also be excellent.


P.S. I know about Lodurr's combat mod but I still want Daedric to be better than Iron, and I don't want my carry capacity nerfed. Also, I don't really have a problem with the way armor is right now, since I think it is balanced out.


EDIT : Basically, I want 2-handed weps to get some love, and blunt weapons to be a different style than blade. Maybe slower, but more damage. Or less reach, more speed, compared to their bladed counterparts.


EDIT2: Also, more weapon and armor variety would add a nice touch. Although a mod adding new weapons would likely clash with a mod rebalancing weapons. I've already got Platinum Weapon and Armor so my hero can have daedric protection and look good doing it! :D

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EDIT : Totally misposted. MOBS looks like it will do what I want, but N's seems nicer in that he has graphs showing the balance, etc. (Ooh, pretty pictures!)


I'll download and try out MOBS, and hopefully that will do it!

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