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Out Of Memory Crash, is NVAC to blame?

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So I recently installed the New Vegas Anti Crash ( http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D53635%26preview%3D&pUp=1 ) that was required by another mod, I forget which one, and I started having a problem where my game would randomly freeze and have a little window pop up and say "Out Of Memory" http://sta.sh/0qdjo85fghe

I never had this problem until after I Installed the NVAC, I would uninstall it to see if it was the problem but there is no sure way to tell if it was the problem or not, because this "Out Of Memory" crash doesn't happen every day, I think the last time this happened was a few weeks ago.

I also noticed my game out like lagging and such, that also never use to happen, my game always use to play smoothly until recently.


So the questions I have is...

1. What is this "Memory" thing?

2. Has anyone ever had this "Out Of Memory" thing happen to them? and if so was it after using NVAC?



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It's not possible for a mod to require NVAC.


No, NVAC is not responsible for out-of-memory crashes. In the event of such crashes, it just lets you know the reason behind them. Without NVAC, the game would have just crashed and you wouldn't have any clue why it did so.


Out-of-memory crash reports mean just that: you ran out of available memory to load assets into.

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Well...yeah there is a mod that requires it, that is the only reason I got it. (It was in the required mods section)


" you ran out of available memory to load assets into."

I do not know what that means...is there a way to fix it?


EDIT: I found the mod that needed it, it was Nipton Rebuilt.


I think I got it because it was highly recommended...Not a requirement after all I guess, Apologies.

Edited by xXLoboSolitarioXx
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