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Please ressurect my dead companion!


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I recently installed a mod a.k.a Judah - Working dog. And I didn't really test him but 1 hour ago i shot him with an arrow and I didn't expect to get chased all around Whiterun when i thought i lost him he found me and i got stuck and i was like This dog's bite is worse than a dragon's....I even go scared a little bit(And I used to go to pitbull fights with my pitbull r.i.p). At the end with 2k armor and 300% hp regen the dog destroyed me ! It's like he had heart... He somehow reminded me of a dog i had. I already send a message to the creator of the mod but idk if he is ever going to read it so...
I also wanted to ask if anyone else can consider my request. It goes like this...
I used to have a dog once but he died because of me.His name was Shako. You see Shako was a fighting dog,but i was just taking care of him after every fight.It's a long story. He was my first dog and he died very young, on my 17th birthday he had a huge heart and was a rly good dog with bad owners.
I don't like to cry but when i saw him... ;( I'm 23 now but these pictures still bring tears to my eyes. And i feel rly sad right now.
So about my request... could you please make a pitbull skin retext of Judah with white fur and two big brown spots around both eyes and covering a little of the ears and cheeks and with a red nose and brown eyes just like the pictures and if possible a renaming option pleeeaaseee. I can't do it because i have no modding skills. So that's why i beg you!
If you do this for me I will remember you until the day i die and this will bring tears of joy to my eyes. Damn i miss him.And if i could take it all back now i would never do this s#*! to the poor dog. Idk if anyone is ever going to do this for me this is the first time i write something like this but i would appriciate it very much if you could bring him back to life for me. Even though in the game. You see i spend a lot of time in this game and i will love it if i have my old friend beside me :wink:. I hope you understand. Thank you! Here are Shako's only pictures taken with a stone-age cell phone.
P.S. I learned english from cartoons and MMO's and I am sorry for the bad quality of my grammar.

http://s23.postimg.org/uau88jp8r/shako1.jpg 10394855_1483611225209344_35063094425226

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