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Skyrim, NMM and SKSE not working.


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I normally just sift through forums to find an answer to the problems I experience, but I feel like I have a deep rooted issue with my laptop.

Toshiba C855-S5133
OS: Windows 8 64-bit
Proc: Intel i3-2348M @2.30GHz
Mem: 8.00 GB
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 3000
Skyrim Version:
NMM Version:
SKSE Version:
LOOT Version:
It's no gaming monster, but is perfectly capable of running Skyrim which I am running through Steam.

It started with just wanting to get Skyrim to run correctly on vanilla. It would start with playing in a small 800x600 windowed screen. Changes made in the launcher's options made no difference (still doesn't) but I managed to figure my way around that with making the correct changes in my SkyrimPrefs.ini file:



bFull Screen=1
iSize H=720
iSize W=1280
Unfortunately I can't get it to run at a higher resolution - but it runs vanilla just fine.
I also bought Hearthfire... that's when it got interesting. Data Files was greyed out and Skyrim was not loading my new DLC.
So after some research I discovered Nexusmods. Love it, but it has only made my mod interests grow =P. So I downloaded NMM, SKSE and LOOT to hopefully bypass the game launcher and get any DLC and mods to load.
I can't get either of them to run either. *scratches head*
I also made changes to SkyrimPrefs.ini to change that:

No luck.
More research and frustration... a reinstall of Skyrim (my d/l speeds are horrible and took me almost 3 days), SKSE and NMM (which had no effect) and I am still unable to play beyond vanilla.

When I run NMM it just thinks about it for a second spinning it's little blue circle and ends. No windows or anything.
When I run SKSE I get an error message:

Assertion failed in .\IDebugLog.cpp <59>: SUCCEEDED<SHGetFolderPath<NULL, folderID, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, path>>
Now I am no expert, but I am not an idiot either. All programs are being run as Administrator. From what I can tell, I feel like somewhere in this laptop is something missing or wrong that isn't communicating where either Skyrim is located or some other misdirection. I also ran a virus scan.
EDIT: And now it suddenly CTDs when I try to run via the launcher. I can run directly from TESV.exe and it works vanilla.
Edited by KingKruger
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I downloaded and installed BOSS - which seems to run fine. It said my Hearthfire was dirty and needed to be cleaned with TES5Edit. So I downloaded that, which after running, promptly told me before opening that it couldn't locate My Documents:


"Fatal: Could not determine my documents folder"


Then opened with the error message:


"TES5Edit 3.0.32 EXPERIMENTAL starting session 2014-10-28 16:22:08

Using Skyrim Data Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data\
Using ini:
Fatal: Could not find ini"
So out of all of these programs the only one working for me is BOSS.

BOSS Version:
Could it be as simple as some mislogged info on where My Documents folder is?

The only difference between BOSS and everything else is that is the only thing installed in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86) or in the Steam folder.
Edited by KingKruger
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Reinstalled NMM and finally got an error message:

"Unable to execute file:
C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\NexusClient.exe


CreateProcess failed; code 740.

The requested operation requires elevation."


And then ran CCleaner for shits and giggles.

So yeah.. I've got that going for me. O.o

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CreateProcess failed; code 740.

The requested operation requires elevation."

This is a windows error. You don't have administrator permission to run that program. Being the admim and having admin permission are two different things.


Here is how to fix that: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4912979/1/

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Thanks for replying.

I have all the above mentioned programs set to run as administrator, which is why I decided to actually make a post. I've tried to cover all the basic issues that most people have come across, that of course being one of them. I'm am at a loss at this point, my head's spinning from trying to find an answer. I feel like there is a block like that somewhere, but I have no clue what to look for or where to look now.

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  • 1 month later...

Checks for new mod versions.

You must log into the Nexus Website.
Error communicating with the server! Cannot reach the Nexus login server.

I have: Nexus Mod Manager-0.52.3.exe


Please help me with this.


I realy miss playing this wonderful game!


Thank you in advance,



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  • 3 months later...

EDIT: Nevermind, I did more googling, found this and followed option two. Worked great!


I seem to have found my problem. My registry did not have the correct path to My Documents. A quick change in the location line and EVERYTHING seems to be working. Go me! =P

Can you please share exactly what you changed?

I've had just about exactly the same problems you've described:

  • SKSE gives me this: "skse assertion failed in .\IDebugLog.cpp <59>: SUCCEEDED<SHGetFolderPath<NULL, folder ID, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT,path>>", followed by windows telling me a component of SKSE has stopped working and it needs to close
  • I too had to work around the small 800x600 window as the launcher options do nothing
  • NMM seemed to start for only a few seconds (it showed up in Task Manager, but dissapeared before any window could appear), which led me to download Mod Organizer.

I don't remember whether Mod Organizer just solved the window problem on its own or I edited the .ini with it (though I suspect it was the first). I haven't bought any DLCs and am also running Skyrim through Steam with the newest version. BOSS works.

Anyhow, I'm just about at the end of my rope so any help would be appreciated xD

Edited by annasayshi
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