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Prayer Spel Help


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Hiyez, all!


I've been working on a scripted spell for my new mod, and this one script has been giving me trouble. Now, I'm an utter n00b at animation, but this script should work:

scn aaprayspell


begin scripteffectstart


player.additem aaaObeisanceToken 1






begin scripteffectfinish


player.removeitem aaaObeisanceToken 1





Uses Vanilla animations and tokens, and it's a simple script.


It should work, but it DOESN'T!


Anyone know why, or can give me a hint?


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Did you make sure that the .kf is in the correct directory and is linked properly? Best bet is to reread the tutorial. This is a little ironic, I just got done reading that tutorial and it just so happens the other person I'm trying to help has apparently the same(ish) problem. lol.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



May I ask specifically in detail what it is you are trying to do with that spell? I might actually be able to script it differently with the same intended effect for you. Great thing about scripting is there are a million ways to "improperly" get the same effect with no ramifications. Basically jerryrigging, for lack of a better term, and improvising when the original intended script runs into problems.

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The conditions of that animation are setup to work off use of the token, not just having it in their inventory. However, the player using an item like this doesn't work since the usage needs to be called from a package to trigger the idle. Your best bet is to just call the animation directly, similar to what most pose mods do. Just keep in mind that doing so may interfere with the animations related to casting, so some sort of delay before playing the animation is suggested. Edited by Vagrant0
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What the smart dude said ^


You should try to just track his posts. You'd proly learn quite a bit just reading em no matter what the category >_< I almost always learn one thing or another. Makes me think he is Japanese, you know, the whole way they are "taught" in schools. All about memorization, robotic recall and complete retention. Brilliant way to teach even though it has its drawbacks, he just reminds me of that because it's like he IS a database.

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