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Jyggalag Armor


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Yeah. I'm wanting Jyggalag's armor. I'm trying to work on a Machinema called Oblivion Versus where characters from ingame and characters from other games with the available mods duel. It's going to be a tournament style thing. one of the prelimenary martches is Jyggalag Vs Dagoth Ur. I WAS going to use Order armor, but I was afrad those super fanboys would complain and be like 'O thts not evn gigglag u shuld shoot urself' or something. You know how trolls are. But yeah, if any of you could make aplayable version of his armor I'd be forever greateful and endorse it if it works well.
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I shouldnt ... but I must Its good weighing practice


Serously, if anyone could do it I'd... i don' tknow what I'd do but I'd freak out lol...

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