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Golems of Amgarrak


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Nice Trailer! Thanks, Retribution.


Unlike The DLC That Must Not Be Mentioned, this actually catches my interest. And unlike LS, it sounds like we'll be playing "our" Warden. But then, the hook for me is definitely The Story. And we've already heard that there isn't much of one in GoA. So maybe BioWare just revealed all there is in putting together that one-minute clip. :confused: We'll have to wait (but not long!) and see...

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I'll say it. It's Darkspawn Chronicles

I've never played it, and I never will. Too sad for me, I'd get depressed.

That is exactly the point. I haven't/won't play it either. Just no interest whatsoever. :down:

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It's another DLC I won't be buying :tongue: . I want DLC like Wardens Peak, Return to Ostagar and Shale, that I can start a new play through and incorporate into the DAO game. There is a big map there and half of it is empty, it's just my personal opinion but if DLC doesn't include all the current party it isn't really DAO DLC it's just a cheap, churned out (not sure what to call it) and I don't want to play 2 hour mini games.


I also had another thought, if you add all these $5 to the cost of the original game and the cost of Awakening this game is fast becoming very expensive at what point do you say EA/BW are having a laugh aren't they.

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