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Golems of Amgarrak


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Going by the trailer it looks interesting but perhaps it is best to wait till its release and see what the reviews are like..



I'll have to agree with you the trailer looks good. Now I hope that there is allot of game play and not only a short little side trip. BTW I though I read some where that they weren't making any more DLC's for DAO?

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Untrue, they are going to make a lot more DLCs


Woohoo! :thumbsup:


and patches

and patches

and patches

and patches

and patches


Sorry, the record got stuck... err... scratch in the CD I mean...


So much for the philosophy of getting it right the first time :wallbash:

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This is from Chris Priestly one of the devs in the DA franchise


I'll give you 100% we are still going to release more DLC for Dragon Age: Origins before we release Dragon Age 2. And I have said as much repeatedly now.


We still have patching and DLC planned for DA:O before the launch of DA2. Stay tuned.


Here are the links if you are unsure





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So, GoA has been out for PC, (as well as other platforms) for a few hours now. The folk on the BioWare Social forums are already chattering about their playthroughs, and how/how come they did/didn't get this/that trophy. (I stopped reading, don't want the spoilers! :biggrin: )


Anyone have a review, instead of recap?

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Well, I've started playing it, and so far my impression is that this was released with the sole purpose of assuaging the PC fanbase. Bioware knew they would get angry at Dragon Age 2's direction, so they cooked this up. I'm not very good at CRPGs, but I have a cheated out character, top tier equips from Awakening, and I'm playing on Easy mode purely for this DLC (I have the Nightmare + mod installed), and a good tactics setup, and it's still extremely hard. It takes a long time to kill yellow combatants, while hitting them with everything my party has. I'm sure there are some people who will play through it on Nightmare difficulty with a legit character and think it was easy, but this is my experience with it so far.


Edit: I just completed it. This was by far the worst DLC that has been released for Dragon Age so far. This has nothing to do with the difficulty, either. I finished it in less than one hour, and there was very little story besides




. If you want Bioware to continue to release bad DLCs like this, by all means, buy it. Everyone else should just watch an LP on youtube.

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At least it was better than the DLC that must not be named. Right? Riigghtt? Seriously if BW put the guys that do the DLC's of ME with DA then it will be awesome game, but no we are stuck with crap DLC for DA.
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At least it was better than the DLC that must not be named. Right? Riigghtt? Seriously if BW put the guys that do the DLC's of ME with DA then it will be awesome game, but no we are stuck with crap DLC for DA.

Hey, LS wasn't crap!


But trying to get back on topic, that "it's really just a dungeon crawl" was already known, (in fact, pretty much admitted by the devs) in advance. In which case, one player says, "it's just to assuage the PC fans. :down: ", and other says "I get to play my Warden some more! :thumbsup: "


I was hoping for more story than just what was in the one-minute trailer, but sounds like that may be all there is...

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