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Texture problems?


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So Ive just recently started to install mods for Fallout 3, and ive been having some problems... whenever I install a mod (for example, a weapon or armor mod), the item changes color simultaneously... when i equip the weapon, its a baby blue color, then when i turn to the left it turns black, and then i look up, it turns brown.... its really weird... this also happens with armor mods. Ive tried this with several mods and its happened with the majority. The only one its been compatible with is the Weapon Kits Mod. Thats the only one. And ive tried installing the mods over and over again, and they still dont work. And i have Win7, and i have Fallout installed in My Games, not in Program Files, so I dont really know whats going on... oh, and another weird thing... when I launch the FalloutLauncher and I click on data files and check all of the esp.'s, by the next time I check out the data files to see if theyre checked, all of the esp.'s are unchecked, but in FOMM, the data files remained enabled.... what the hells going on? Please help!

(and I also have FOSE, and the 1.7 patch.)

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You will need to run archive invalidation. Download it from the nexus site and run it to see it sorts out your issue. The unchecking of esp is a problem with the launcher which should be fixed with the 1.7 update, but if you launch fose from inside of fomm it does the load ordering for you.
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You will need to run archive invalidation. Download it from the nexus site and run it to see it sorts out your issue. The unchecking of esp is a problem with the launcher which should be fixed with the 1.7 update, but if you launch fose from inside of fomm it does the load ordering for you.



I did all of which you told me, and it still gives me the same problem. I have the 1.7 update, I have archive invalidation, I started it through FOMM, and it still gives me the same thing. Discoloring of the mods.

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Strange, I know from building custom models that was the problem, if you vanilla Fallout ie. your base install doesnt have the problem try instaling each mod one by one to see if any specific one is causing the problem, if not try a clean reinstall.
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