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Help! Permanent reduction to Endurance.


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Hello all,


I have a 'permanent' reduction to Endurance (-17) which can't be rectified either through praying at a chapel or through drinking the relevant restoration potion.


Could this be mod related? I have been chopping and changing mods for the last few hours..


If not, does anyone have any idea what this could be? I don't appear to have any Endurance damaging items in my inventory... maybe it could be a quest?


Please help..





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The Unofficial Oblivion Patch has a restore stat and attribute fix. The attribute was probably being adjusted by an item in your inventory added by a mod you cleaned out.
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I did have a sleep / eat / drink mod a while back that could have left an unrectified debuff to my endurance, however since then I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game without that mod, will the negative effect information be stored in the save file? This could be the problem - hoping the patch fixes it.

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The Unofficial Oblivion Patch has a restore stat and attribute fix. The attribute was probably being adjusted by an item in your inventory added by a mod you cleaned out.


I'll try this now, thank you.


No luck, Endurance remains with a (-17).

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The icon to activate the stat fixer is added to your misc inventory,but if you have Cobl it is added into your options.When you activate the fixer you are asked to close your inventory to allow the options available to appear. The restore broken stats/attributes function should clear the damage done to your save.
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The icon to activate the stat fixer is added to your misc inventory,but if you have Cobl it is added into your options.When you activate the fixer you are asked to close your inventory to allow the options available to appear. The restore broken stats/attributes function should clear the damage done to your save.


Nice one recognising my ignorance with the UOP, I only saw the 'face' fixer. One second, I'll give this a go..

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