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Terror mission native soldiers


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Hopefully this can be done, does anyone know?


My idea is to have in terror missions is in random terror mission for at least one soldier of the army native to the country the terror mission is taking place in in the mission that the player can control once found.


How I envision this would work is that sometimes at random one would find a bunch of corpses of army soldiers with one or 2 survivors fighting against the aliens somewhere in the terror mission, and once the player finds them in the area they can control them as if they were an XCOM unit. The soldier would be of a random class and very weakly armed and armored, (i.e. equivalent to XCOM's basic armor and armaments no matter how advanced XCOM has become in the game) and the goal aside from the usual is to finish the mission while keeping that soldier alive. If the player succeeds it's counted as saving a civilian for the mission and the saved soldier becomes an XCOM recruit starting out as a squaddie of whatever class they were in the mission.


The idea is to show that there's actually soldiers around the world actually fighting these aliens besides XCOM, to give another immersive and story element to XCOM soldiers and to provide another source of free XCOM recruits besides the council.


On a side note, something similar for the previous XCOM games would be appreciated.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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Hopefully this can be done, does anyone know?


My idea is to have in terror missions is in random terror mission for at least one soldier of the army native to the country the terror mission is taking place in in the mission that the player can control once found.


How I envision this would work is that sometimes at random one would find a bunch of corpses of army soldiers with one or 2 survivors fighting against the aliens somewhere in the terror mission, and once the player finds them in the area they can control them as if they were an XCOM unit. The soldier would be of a random class and very weakly armed and armored, (i.e. equivalent to XCOM's basic armor and armaments no matter how advanced XCOM has become in the game) and the goal aside from the usual is to finish the mission while keeping that soldier alive. If the player succeeds it's counted as saving a civilian for the mission and the saved soldier becomes an XCOM recruit starting out as a squaddie of whatever class they were in the mission.


The idea is to show that there's actually soldiers around the world actually fighting these aliens besides XCOM, to give another immersive and story element to XCOM soldiers and to provide another source of free XCOM recruits besides the council.


On a side note, something similar for the previous XCOM games would be appreciated.


Sounds like a great idea. Although when we complete requests for countries in-game, we are effectively improving their ability to fight the aliens. So I think as you progress in game, and as you complete more "Requests from [insert Country here]", they should be able to equip some more advanced weapons (but not xcom-level advanced).

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