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Lots of crashes

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Yesterday on july 28 I was able to play fallout 3 with great stability and no crashes, the next day I got the groovatron mod and whenever I try to fast travell to springvale the game crashes.

Here is my current load order, if anyone sees anything wrong with it then let me know.

[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] FakePatch_v1.5.0.22c.ESM

[X] StreetLights.esm

[X] NecronomiconExMortis 5.6.esm

[X] MPammo.esp

[X] dD-Larger Blood.esp

[X] dD-More Gore.esp

[X] LessRocks.esp

[X] The Groovatron.esp

[ ] F3UmpaAnimation.esp

[X] UsableCigarettes.esp

[ ] PCB.esp

[X] VATS - MCE.esp

[X] FollowersHire.esp

[X] ModBetterPowerArmor75VATS.esp

[X] Tchos Vault 101 Sealed Wing.esp

[X] Expanded Megaton House V3.esp

[X] Groovy Followers.esp

[X] GroovyFollowersCloneAnimFix.esp

[X] Portable Npc Spawner.esp

[X] City-Killer-english.esp

[X] HZ_M249.esp

[X] Combat Armor Mark II (Replace No backpack).esp

[X] JHB House Robots Can Repair.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Increased Spawns.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

[X] 100% Force Lock Chance.esp

[X] PersonalTerminal.esp

[X] Accurate Sniper Rifles.esp

[X] TalonCombatHelmetOnly.esp

[X] CharonJerichoessential.esp

[X] Miniguns Replacer.esp

[X] HK L30 Gatling Laser (replacer).esp

[X] P94 Plasma Rifle (Vanilla Replacer).esp

[X] Glock 86 Plasma Pistol (scoped replacer).esp

[X] ClassicEnclaveAPA-Replacement-english.esp

[X] bozar.esp

[X] SuperSledge.esp

[X] M4A1_Carbine.esp

[X] fnfalv5.esp

[X] bittercup_comp.esp

[X] LucyWestCompanion.esp

[X] BriannaCompanion.esp

[X] outcast_comp.esp

[X] BMPA-Instant.esp

[X] Pip-Boy StealthBoy Addon.esp

[X] FollowersRelax.esp

[ ] vmce uninstall.esp

[X] PortableCampStuff.esp

[X] YK42B Pulse Rifle.esp

[X] AlienMesmetron-V1.0.esp

[X] PowerArmorTraining.esp

[X] PowerArmorTraining_Linden.esp

[X] Susan Lancaster, Hoss and Pek essential.esp

[X] ColtPythonAddon.esp

[X] HZ_SL8_XM8.esp

[X] mk23.esp

[X] Scopeless44s.esp

[X] Enclave Radio Fix.esp

[X] 14mmPistolMod.esp

[X] NightvisionGoggles(Powered).esp

[X] Wattz Laser Weapons Mod.esp

[X] EnclaveCommander.esp

[X] ACE2-0.esp

[X] VashDeagleV5.esp

[X] VZ61.esp

[X] SMG Mod.esp

[X] AddWanda_v2_blk_eot.esp

[X] 10mmTacSMGSidneyUltra.esp

[X] ZL-ACR.esp

[X] 10mmReplacer.esp

[X] Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp

[X] DragonskinBonusPack.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vanilla Big Guns Fix.esp

[X] BetterGamePerformance.esp

[X] muzzle with no lightening.esp

[X] no blur on hit.esp

[X] ClutterFreeWorld.esp

[X] Fast_but_dramatic_VATS_0.9.esp

[X] VatsLongerDistance.esp

[X] PyromaniacFix-Both+Nuka.esp

[X] Blank's Magic Hand - Type A - Arrows.esp

[X] Disable Ash and Goo Piles.esp

[X] Mini Butler.esp

[X] FPS Grenade Hotkey.esp

[X] ScopedOlPainlessAutoAim.esp

[X] Fellout-Full.esp

[X] Fellout-pipboylight.esp

[X] FEV_Subjects.esp

[X] 100% Speech.esp

[X] FastTravelIndoors.esp

[X] 7_HolsterForHandGunsV1_1.esp

[X] More Ammo.esp

[X] Ammo Box Respawn.esp

[X] CombatEnhanced-Package v02.esp

[X] GalaxyNewsRadio60[M].esp

[X] Sydney Follower.esp

[X] Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp

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use FOMM get the updated one use and learn it. But that last one u got groovaton could cause problems if u didnt use FOMM to install it



and thats maybe to many mods


I used this thing called BOSS to sort out my mods, it did a great job and I noticed a lot less crashes, I havn't fast travelled to springvale yet and for the record of it I do use FOMM version 0.11.9, I'm not sure if thats the latest version and I've been hearing from other people that the safe number of mods you coulde have in fallout 3 is 225 but thanks for the post, you reminded me to check for newer versions of FOMM

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