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Pandora's Box


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I was wondering if it is possible to make a gun that when you shoot at someone puts them in a box in your inventory or at a house or something and then when you shoot again it spawns that person. Could you use fose to make it switch between fire modes like spawn and "suck" :P. Thats if its even possible?




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Eh? I don't get it... You want a gun which will allow you to effectively convert a npc/creature into an inventory token, which can then be reverted back again with a second shot (At someone I presume)?


I don't know what the use of that would be, Most NPCs would just run away back to wherever their current AI says they should be, unless they're sandboxed in which case they're just gonna wander around like nothing has happened (AI ain't my strong point, so I'm not exactly sure). If you want it to change AI as well, that's a whole world of hurt for the user. The amount of game breaking that would go on if you mess with someone's scripts/AI destructively...


As far as I'm seeing, the only use would be to "capture" a raider/Mutant, then when the gun is fired at a second target, the "captured" target is "spawned" at the second and made hostile towards it. I'm not sure if forcing combat between two NPC's in the same faction would work. At any rate it would be much easier (and more logical for what its worth) to just make a gun which will frenzy someone.


Anything you want to do with it should be possible, but you need to work on describing exactly what you want to do in a much clearer fashion.

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I think hes saying that he wants a gun that can put an NPC in your inventory and the gun like some mods have silencer options or grenade launcher options have a spawn option but be part of the players faction if there is one, I don't know, but the capture version would use empty pandora boxes probably and the other used ones somehow. Clarify me if I didn't simplify it right.
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