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BLENDER problem!!


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Is there any site that teach u how to do editing to Fallout 3 meshes?

Bcos evrytime i did some edit to the meshes, it didn't appear in-game....


It's different with Oblivion i think, cos i can make a lot of editing to Oblivion.


Pls help me...i really appreciate.


Or if u don't mind, i'll attach one file that i really want to use in Fallout 3 for u to fix...thanks!

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Hi, deepside...i really, really appreciate your help...really, i mean it...

but looks like the file u sent still have a problem like in the picture attached below:


the lower back of the helmet looks streched.......

errr, hard to describe ;p

hope u have time to test it.


I'm starting to learn the tutorial link u gave.

now i realize that customizing fallout 3 is more difficult than oblivion (damn!)...


but as i said @ the beginning, i thank u.

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when i tried to send u the textures, i realized that i'm using the hi-rez....

so the size is big; 2938kb, even after i compressed the file...


Really, if there is two thumbs emoticon icon, gonna give u that! :thumbsup:


one thing.....Blender makes me headache sometime! :wallbash:




I'm waiting for ur next info, while i'm still learning the tutorial....

:wallbash: :biggrin:

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hi..i tried it with some others and all i could see was this..


as you can see it is the same model as the file is. so it could be the visuals of your texture doin it.

i know, blender is almost like a living creature, it likes you or not :tongue:

so far i can only help you with this.. a good tip for the tutorial. you don't need to follow it specificly. some parts can be skipped, those who are in no need for your file. :thumbsup:

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Hi, Deep...


Yea, i think what i saw in the picture is also my problem with the meshes...

My picture before was only taken from the back of the head.


Yea...i have the problem with the helmet's pipe; like in your picture....scary, isn't it?


Well...that's too bad... :confused:


But thank you for your kindness & your time...you're a good man :thumbsup:


I'll try to find some clue later...Ok?

I'll post the meshes file here again if i found the solution.

Good day...

& Steel be with you! :nuke:

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