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The "Minions" idea. (Creature Binding Mod)


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"If you like the idea, write what you think about it."


(Creature Binding Idea)


Oblivion has a system of followers who, in my humble opinion, is a horror. Oblivion gates opening everywhere, and only "you" going like a God to shut the gates, simply lacks reality of it all. You can be the Madgod, but without an army? you can be a master of magic, but has no power to create followers? only has power to summon minions for a short time?


But if an idea appears, that maybe no one had thought until now? Maybe someone had. :thumbsup:

And if you were able to create minions?

have soldiers for the hours of distress?

to get them taking care of your treasure?

or just for the pleasure of being followed by them.

Have you ever wanted:

to command legions of Daedras?

to set up a creature zoo?

The player will be able to bind any creature he kills to himself as a companion, using a soulgem and alchemical ingredients.

And came a new idea, a "change" for many types. One thing that nobody had tried so far? maybe a few. I will not include them here.


Now, to the center of the idea, the meat of the intention, the reason for the change. And also the cause of much insomnia.

The idea is to create a unique system of followers, soldiers, servants, subjects. "Minions."


I always thought that Oblivion would have an improved system accordingly, Jeez. You can be God, have towers of immense power, and can not have an army?

The ability to use soulgems and alchemical ingredients to bind creatures to you, nearly every stock.

What I have in mind is: Have ability to make your army.

Depending on your taste, you can create your minions.

You can create:



Cyrodiil Monsters.

Shivering Isles Monsters.


Now I will list the minions: (Let me know if I missed some.)

When I list a creature, type "Wraith" will also include its variants: Faded and Gloom.

(And it works for all other listed.)

Some of the creatures listed, require expansion.



Dremoras, Scamps, Hungers, Clannfears, Saints, Seducers, Daedroths, Spider Daedras, Xivilais, Aurorans, Knights of Order,

Flame Atronach, Storm Atronach, Frost Atronach, Flesh Atronach.



Ghosts, Wraiths, Skeletons, Zombies, Skinned Hounds, Lichs, Shambles.


Shivering Isles Monsters:

Baliwogs, Elytras, Gnarls, Grummites, Scalons.


Cyrodiil Monsters:

Rats, Imps, Land Dreughs, Minotaurs, Minotaur Lords, Ogres, Spriggans, Trolls, Goblins, Black Bears, Boars, Brown Bears, Deers, Dogs, Horses, Mountain Lions, Mud Crab (Yey!), Sheep, Wolfs.


(Note) I have not listed the "Slaughterfish", they are aquatic creatures, they can not move on land (Duh). Therefore, they are not listed in the list.


The goal would be to create a series of books, some hard to find, other purchasable, others only through quests. Reading these books, the follower specified, you get a spell: Bind Scamp, you will need the necessary requirements to do so.


Some may say that this is not part of reality game, right? where do you think that conjurers get their minions? is not only invocation. Maybe a ritual. Or just binding.


Well, that's what I thought to revolutionize the system of magic and creation. in The elder scrolls 4: oblivion.

Note that, perhaps you need a naming of soulgems to recognize souls.

I hope someone is able to create this idea.

Thanks for reading, and please! if you have any idea that might help, do not forget to post, your support will undoubtedly help anyone who wants to make that idea.

Good luck! :thumbsup:


Thank the "MC." for the great idea that was incorporated in Morrowind.

Thank the website "Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages." to have listed all creatures, without them I would be looking for these animals in the game now.


Excuse my spelling, and any error and confusion in words. English is not my native language.

I fixed the "rainbow"


Peace and love!




DarkGenius. :thumbsup:

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I know very well about "Phinix master summon." But do you agree with me that "minions" is something more different?

Minions, you will not summon the creatures, you will make them with ingredients and souls and make them be your servants to death. In Master Summon, you cast, and they remain, as far as your magick can support them. I use Phinix Master Summon, but it's not my style. I like the style "Overlord" that was implanted into oblivion.





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This is what ive wanted for ages, i want to have an army of mudcrabs following me around through the IC, and also to destroy cyrodiil with a legion of minotaurs. this seems very possible and should be really looked into be some experienced modders.
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Who liked the idea, please help me, I've been looking for some modders, but apparently they do not respond. If you help me spread the idea, maybe someone will see and try something.


Your support is needed!




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