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The "Minions" idea. (Creature Binding Mod)


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Pertaining to the ingredients, for a minotaur I would make it require 2 horns, a bunch of beef, and some scamp skin lol. Of course it will look like scamp skin sewed together on the texture. Not that I'm saying I'll do it, but its do-able, and you can rename ingredients to fit the type of creature. Like Daedroth Teeth to Lion Teeth and so on.
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Your suggestions are good, but you did not pay much attention. "Minions" will give you the power to create your army. But you must strive to create an army, not overnight that you will make one.


Minions will be fully balanced, too, you'll be able to do what you want with the Minions. Create and kill them, create them to guard treasures, create them to patrol the realm, or protect and patrol your home, or your tower, or castle. You can create hordes, and lead them to destroy the Empire, or Oblivion Gates. Everything depends on your creativity, create your reality, or your world.


Be: A ruthless overlord, A God of War, A Magician eccentrically and powerful, Be a Divine and lead your "Holy army"


Hmmmm... Ok. I just thought having to face other enemies with their minions would be a cool idea. Anyway, I like the idea of not being able to creat an army overnight and actually having to work for each minion. That's why I don't like the mods that give you a spell that once you cats it, you get a skeleton army.

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K well I will make this as well


The scripting is fairly easy to do I just wrote up a test script


It works


The only thing that would be hard to do would be the inventory share thing


You, can do this, almost all the companion mod have a "Share script"

but it would be the following, the operation in the script depends on the creature. Goblins can not wear armor, but can use weapons. If you give the shield

the script tag as "usable"


but if you give a helmet, the script tag as "unusable" goblin armor has no extension, no extension of goblins meshes, shields only. As the Aurorans, they can only use weapons without shields.


Once the script tag as "unusable" any item that is checked, will automatically be tagged as loot, and can not be used. Very effective, is not it?

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You wouldnt beleive how easy it is to set up all of the scripting


Right now I have 4 scamps and a clanfear follwoing me


I also set up a spell that allows you to command them


All you have to do is select the follow spell and cast it on them and the yfollow you and a stay spell which mkes them stay


What otehr commands did you want ?

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You wouldnt beleive how easy it is to set up all of the scripting


Right now I have 4 scamps and a clanfear follwoing me


I also set up a spell that allows you to command them


All you have to do is select the follow spell and cast it on them and the yfollow you and a stay spell which mkes them stay


What otehr commands did you want ?



Patrol, Guard, Follow, Share, Slaughter (Attacks Neutral and Hostile, if visible)



Menu for commands wouldn't be better?


Now it's just the start it easy, let's do all the process.


How can we get the creatures? Spellbooks, Buying Spell, Casting a Custom Soultrap??






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