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mod idea


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I have an idea for a mobile home mod like a vehicle big enough to have containers a bed and other homeish items my first question is can containers be set to move with the vehicle or would it only be possible if it was linked to a cell

btw I don't actually have fallout yet still trying to get the money to build a pc lol

thanks in advance to anyone who lets me know

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That might be possible if you link it to a cell. I'm sure theres some sort of script you can add to make the vehicle move around the wastelands while you're "inside" it. Maybe set a series of markers all over the wasteland you can use the vehicle to quicktravel with. You enter vehicle, walk over to the captains chair, activate the steering wheel, pick from a list of places to go. go about your business in the vehicle (sleep in bed, eat food, w/e), exit vehicle, and now you're in a different part of the wasteland!
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The best way to go about it would probably to make an interior cell for the mobile home. You can make moveable containers, but I'm pretty skeptical about furniture... I seem to remember that causing errors. Even so, it would just work better logistically for a separate interior cell.


The real issue is the vehicle itself. Though there have been brave attempts to make an actual moving vehicle in fallout, the reality is that the Gamebryo engine just doesn't have the necessary components to make functioning, interactive vehicles feasible or realistic.

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