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New video for Dragon Age 2


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... BW is not giving much away and it sounds like a muddled mess at the moment but we don't know much about the PC gameplay or the story (it sounds like BW took inspiration from the Princess Bride with the narration thing) and until that is revealed I'll reserve my judgment.

And they've already used the "External Narrator" construct, (for Leliana's Song) and I thought it worked extremely well. Even the "cinematic slides" upon the introduction of a new major/minor character fit into that scheme. Although it broke immersion, (and I really hope they don't do it for DA2!) it fit with the "Listening to Leli telling a tale..." framework.)


Overall, I'm with BKE, and am consciously reserving judgment based on previews, trailers, or forum posts. Until I've experienced the final result, I can continue to expect an extension of, and improvement on, the great game they already produced. Not that I won't speculate as we get more and more pieces of information, rumours about information, and guesses when there's no information! :P


Please remember, BioWare: "It's the story, stupid!" :thumbsup:

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As long as the story is good they can hang the rest of the stuff from that, with no story the whole lot would fall down anyway.



Edit . Just noticed the bit about you will only play as a human , not sure that will go down well as my fav characters are all elves...plus the Elven beginnings were my more preferred story lines

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