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New Mesh Crashes Oblivion when player near


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I've been modding for some time, but have never created my own models before. Anyway I created some storage shelves based on one of the bookshelf meshes using NifScope. Looks Fine in NifScope and loads and can be placed OK in the CS. However the game crashes when ever the Player gets near (about 300 units).


I originally created it with a single NiNode and a number of NiTreStrips as children. I pasted the same NiTriStripsData blocks to (bhkCollisionObject-bhkRigidBody-bhkMoppByTreeShape-bhkNiTriStripsShape) for the collision Object so it also had a number of children.


As this caused the game to crash I've tried a number of differing things:

- Combining all the NiTriStripsData to so just one collision child

- Creating a new root NiNode and pasting the original as a child (both with and without root BSXflag block)

- moving the collision to root node

- Creating separate NiNodes for each NiTriStripShape (both with common collision, and individual)

- Comparing almost bit-by-bit with a mesh that I know works and adjusting values to be the same.


Basically nothing works. Any thoughts ??


Was going to attach latest incarnation, but not permitted to attach .nif fiiles !!



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