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NVSE_loader - Version of Windows Not Compatible? Help


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Hey all, I just purchased and installed New Vegas and I'm trying to get the Script Extender to run but I keep getting an error message telling me "The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running."


I'm running Windows 7 64-bit; I've followed the instructions and copied all the NVSE files into the steam/steamapps/common/falloutnewvegas directory folder and I'm running the version of NV and downloaded the latest version of NVSE on http://nvse.silverlock.org/. I even redownloaded the 7-zip file several times and reextracted the files inside to the folder to make sure there wasn't some error downloading. I've played a bit through vanilla New Vegas and it runs just fine, so I'm not certain if there was a problem when I downloaded the game off Steam.


After searching google for a solution to no avail, I'm here asking for help.


Thank you.

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