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Hello. I got a question. Could somebody make a mod that will allow to sleep and wait while trespassing? It's annoying when i must wait for someone lurking for him in his own house and i can't just skip this step :]



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are you talking about that quest when you have to drop that stupid trophy on the owners head?? well if you are then i'll let you know that alll you have to do is wait till right before like a hour before then go in and do the quest otherwize it gets might boring.
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i found that the game goes faster when you jump. so if you can make it inside out of the sun then you may be able to sneak up to the closet/storage place close the door behind you and jump in sneak mode, and time changes everytime you jump; aswell you should disable anymods that cause the daytime to be more like real life daytime, well best wishes on completing that quest.
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