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[req]normal Clothes And Sundries.


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I grabbed the witch's frock and I was screwing around it in, then I thought of something. What about NORMAL clothes, like we wear today. Like a leather jacket, Denim pants, cowboy boots, steel toed boots, Suits, crap like that. Yeah, revealing clothing is alright to some people, but I wouldn't mind being dressed up in NORMAL clothes for once in a game, instead of wearing all this ugly gaudy armor that would have no structual present in actuall combat.


And, if it's gonna be done, it should be done RIGHT! Few easter eggs, like Claire Redfield's red jacket. I'm not saying branding, but I want to have a reason to bust my ass to fill grand soul gems with grand souls so I can enchant clothing to keep me alive. Baseball hats, tobogins, bandanas, even cowboy hats. Let's have a good variety.


-Actual list of stuff I'd like to see.

Colored leather jackets.

Normal shirts.

Pants, in all forms we have today.


Socks AND shoes. (Who the hell wears shoes without socks, anyway..)

A pirate patch.

Baseball hats. (Teams, slogans, Whatever, and none of those mesh bastards.)


Converses. (I love converse shoes. They're so comfortable.)

Boots of all types.

High heeled shoes for women.

Spandex garmets. (Since there are no fat people in the game, and spandex looks GREAT on a 5'3 110lb woman.)

Trechcoats and dusters.

Winter clothes, such as sweaters, parkas and thick pants.


A nice variety to be had for sure.

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