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The Tea Party



28 members have voted

  1. 1. Is The Tea Party Movement Dangerous

    • No, they are a vocal minority with an inordinate amount of media attention.
    • No, they gain more members every day, but are good for the country.
    • Yes, they are a symptom of American ignorance, and a danger to America.

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Sinophile, you obviously didn't read that post of mine that you quoted and then added your observations to. I was stating that the Tea Party Contract contains measures that should be given consideration, and have said previously that the sort of fiscal prudence and rolling back of the state that they advocate is not unlike what the Coalition in the UK is now having to consider. And really...badly spelled placards or shouting rude things at your political opponents have been a part of politics forever. For example;-


Bessie Braddock MP (Labour) : "You're drunk!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Indeed. And you, Madam, are ugly, but I shall be sober in the morning..."


Nancy, Viscountess Astor: "If you were my husband, I'd give you arsenic!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Madam, if I were your husband, I'd drink it."


Now I admit, that is a much better class of political insult - they don't make 'em like that any more. But maybe if Mr President stopped acting in such a totalitarian, bullying manner and allowing his personality cult to flourish, he would avoid being compared (and in my view, quite wrongly compared, he is no Hitler, that's absurd) to some of the odious totalitarian leaders from history.

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Sinophile, you obviously didn't read that post of mine that you quoted and then added your observations to. I was stating that the Tea Party Contract contains measures that should be given consideration, and have said previously that the sort of fiscal prudence and rolling back of the state that they advocate is not unlike what the Coalition in the UK is now having to consider. And really...badly spelled placards or shouting rude things at your political opponents have been a part of politics forever. For example;-


Bessie Braddock MP (Labour) : "You're drunk!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Indeed. And you, Madam, are ugly, but I shall be sober in the morning..."


Nancy, Viscountess Astor: "If you were my husband, I'd give you arsenic!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Madam, if I were your husband, I'd drink it."


Now I admit, that is a much better class of political insult - they don't make 'em like that any more. But maybe if Mr President stopped acting in such a totalitarian, bullying manner and allowing his personality cult to flourish, he would avoid being compared (and in my view, quite wrongly compared, he is no Hitler, that's absurd) to some of the odious totalitarian leaders from history.


Ginnyfizz: May I say that our politics may differ but I absolutely agree with this post and applaud you for it.

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Sinophile, you obviously didn't read that post of mine that you quoted and then added your observations to. I was stating that the Tea Party Contract contains measures that should be given consideration, and have said previously that the sort of fiscal prudence and rolling back of the state that they advocate is not unlike what the Coalition in the UK is now having to consider. And really...badly spelled placards or shouting rude things at your political opponents have been a part of politics forever. For example;-


Bessie Braddock MP (Labour) : "You're drunk!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Indeed. And you, Madam, are ugly, but I shall be sober in the morning..."


Nancy, Viscountess Astor: "If you were my husband, I'd give you arsenic!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Madam, if I were your husband, I'd drink it."


Now I admit, that is a much better class of political insult - they don't make 'em like that any more. But maybe if Mr President stopped acting in such a totalitarian, bullying manner and allowing his personality cult to flourish, he would avoid being compared (and in my view, quite wrongly compared, he is no Hitler, that's absurd) to some of the odious totalitarian leaders from history.


Ginnyfizz: May I say that our politics may differ but I absolutely agree with this post and applaud you for it.


I can to 95% agree with both of you and only add this little quote to the debate. But only one request don't bring in Hitler again. I don't like him and the guy still leaves only horrible mental stench wherever he is mentioned.

Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.

Winston Churchill

Edited by SilverDNA
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Sinophile, you obviously didn't read that post of mine that you quoted and then added your observations to. I was stating that the Tea Party Contract contains measures that should be given consideration, and have said previously that the sort of fiscal prudence and rolling back of the state that they advocate is not unlike what the Coalition in the UK is now having to consider. And really...badly spelled placards or shouting rude things at your political opponents have been a part of politics forever. For example;-


Bessie Braddock MP (Labour) : "You're drunk!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Indeed. And you, Madam, are ugly, but I shall be sober in the morning..."


Nancy, Viscountess Astor: "If you were my husband, I'd give you arsenic!"

Churchill, Winston L.S. (Prime Minister, Conservative) "Madam, if I were your husband, I'd drink it."


Now I admit, that is a much better class of political insult - they don't make 'em like that any more. But maybe if Mr President stopped acting in such a totalitarian, bullying manner and allowing his personality cult to flourish, he would avoid being compared (and in my view, quite wrongly compared, he is no Hitler, that's absurd) to some of the odious totalitarian leaders from history.


Ginnyfizz: May I say that our politics may differ but I absolutely agree with this post and applaud you for it.


I can to 95% agree with both of you and only add this little quote to the debate. But only one request don't bring in Hitler again. I don't like him and the guy still leaves only horrible mental stench wherever he is mentioned.

Occasionally he stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.

Winston Churchill


Yeah, you're right Silver. Not a name I much like hearing either. Oh, and by the way, great quote as usual.

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A racist party who thinks store should discriminate against other races and wants to "take back Ameica" as an American i find these people ignornat and an insult to America.
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Agree entirely Silver DNA. And hehe...old Winston was a master of the political insult, at risk of derailing I cannot resist this saying of the great man on the subject of the Labour leader Clement Attlee who ousted him as Prime Minister at the end of WW2


"A modest little man, who has much to be modest about..."


Ouch Winston, a little unfair, and actually a distinguished group of political experts have voted Churchill, Attlee and Thatcher as our greatest Prime Ministers since WW2. I'd go with that. In the USA you've got some towering figures that have graced the office of President - George Washington (even though he gave us Brits a bloody nose), Abraham Lincoln, and more. President Obama has a LONG way to go to match up with any of those.

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I used to work for H&R Block, and it seems to me that the tax system essentially encourages and discourages certain behaviors. For example, the child tax credit encourages you to have exactly two kids. There are also deductions for charities and retirement fund contributions. Using that same line of thinking, why not tax spending money instead of earning it(I.E. high sales tax, no income tax). Last I checked, it was spending money that lead to the current financial Crisis, not spending it


What you are suggesting is VAT(Value Added Tax) which is what the Brits have to deal with, ask any Brit what they think of that. Given a choice between the Inland Revenue and the IRS it's no contest. I still prefer telling the government what I owe them rather than have them tell me what I owe them.


"I agree but do not believe it is quote so simple"

People in the United States really should be allowed to consider what the Tea Party have to say as expounded in the Contract. What they can do without are the smear tactics that are being used by people who should be thinking of putting their own houses in order before swiping at them

Between their misspelled protest signs, calling everything they don't like socialism, Comparing Obama to Hitler, screaming at politicians without letting them talk, and stealing slogans from 4Chan, they seem to do a fine job of smearing themselves.


I believe that the left is still trying to run against Bush though he has been out of office for over two years, without a bogeyman from the right they need to resurrect one. Probably because if they were forced to run on their record people would see what they really up to. I would point out to you that after two years in power one should run on your achievements such as they are.The media has practically deified Obama, giving him a pass on all of his missteps which had Bush committed the same he would have been roundly pilloried.


"Oh, I think there are plenty of bogeymen from the right; such as Newt Gingrich, the original creator of this contract, and currently attempting to try to resurrect himself. How about Sarah Palin. And you remember Ted Haggard. What about some of the more popular media personalities who like to consider themselves the Messiah, such as (I can barely stand to say his name) Rush Limbaugh. There are lots more and even worse. But we have them too. My point is that we all have our crosses to bear. I agree, an administration should run on its achievements, and I believe this one does. I am not 100% pleased with our administration, but I still approve of it warts and all. Unlike many, I knew going in that it would be a struggle for a variety of reasons, not the least of which would be the need to deal with the huge deficits left behind by the Bush Administration (primarily due to the War in Iraq). My criticism has to do with a certain lack of focus at some crucial points. However, I would not have wanted to take on their job for all the "tea" in China, to coin a phrase (a little levity there). I believe some of the anger you still see being directed at Mr. Bush may have a lot to do with the fact that we are sill struggling with some of what he left behind. I do not necessarily agree that this should be so, but human nature being what it is, I am not at all surprised. As far as the media deifying Mr. Obama, I think that might depend on which particular media you are reading and/or listening to. The same may be siad for whether or not Mr. Bush was roundly pilloried during his terms in office. Now I am going to say something that I am sure could very well be interpreted as sarcastic. I have already been accused of sarcasim, or I guess it was condescension on this forum. So, I want to be perfectly clear. I am not being sarcastic. I truly want to know, since you brought it up, when in either of his two terms did Mr. Bush not make a misstep?"

original intent of NPR was to have a news station that wasn't influences by ratings, although I believe that the government phased out their funding between 2004 and 2008, and therefore one can argue that they'd say anything to get their left-wing listeners to send in donations. Just out of curiosity, has anyone seen Citizen Kane? There are many similarities between William Hurs[sp?] and Rupert Murdoch, both men owned influential media outlets, and used them for political purposes.



NPR= National Public Radio still gets funding at least according to their latest fund raising in May( though less than before) and is about as biased as Fox but in the opposite direction, at least Fox doesn't pretend to be a neutral observer. I listen to NPR often (it's wise to know what your opponents are thinking)..why is that left wing sacred cows are always off the menu?



"Early in Mr. Bush's first term he put a neocon in charge of NPR broadcasting. I have been an avid NPR listener for eons, and I gradually began to notice a change in tone on almost all programming. It may still have a more liberal tilt, but it certainly is not the same NPR that it used to be; and quite a few of the broadcasters just suddenly disappeared. I find it very interesting. Don't you?"


Before this debate I was somewhat ambivalent about the Tea Party, thanks you made a convert...they will now have my support.


"Just out of curiosity, can you explain to me why your apparent disagreement with this one poster would be sufficient to formulate your entire decision on this one matter?"



"I do have more to say, but I just had to retype this whole thing, and I have to go fix a toilet and fill in on the game site. Gotta go for now. "

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Agree entirely Silver DNA. And hehe...old Winston was a master of the political insult, at risk of derailing I cannot resist this saying of the great man on the subject of the Labour leader Clement Attlee who ousted him as Prime Minister at the end of WW2


"A modest little man, who has much to be modest about..."


Ouch Winston, a little unfair, and actually a distinguished group of political experts have voted Churchill, Attlee and Thatcher as our greatest Prime Ministers since WW2. I'd go with that. In the USA you've got some towering figures that have graced the office of President - George Washington (even though he gave us Brits a bloody nose), Abraham Lincoln, and more. President Obama has a LONG way to go to match up with any of those.



What did you think of Teddy Roosevelt or FDR?

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A racist party who thinks store should discriminate against other races and wants to "take back Ameica" as an American i find these people ignornat and an insult to America.


PROVE THE RACISM. Instead of perpetuating a lie, why not show some documentation proving the Tea Party CONDONES racism.


Oh, I forgot...If anyone says anything against Obama or his policies they are racists. Just ask Rosey O'Donald or Janeane Garofalo.

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A racist party who thinks store should discriminate against other races and wants to "take back Ameica" as an American i find these people ignornat and an insult to America.


PROVE THE RACISM. Instead of perpetuating a lie, why not show some documentation proving the Tea Party CONDONES racism.


Oh, I forgot...If anyone says anything against Obama or his policies they are racists. Just ask Rosey O'Donald or Janeane Garofalo.



I probably should not be getting into this particular conversation, but I was not aware that the contract that the Tea Party proposes says anything specific about MR. Obama.

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