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how to fix DLC Operation Anchorage so it shows up

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so i installed DLC the anchorage but when i come to the wasteland no signal or anything and im sure i installed it correctly and i waited 1 hour and still nothing so i opened geck and dropped stealth armor and winterized combat armor but when i use the wintirized combat armor it changes textures it look like the ground the wall some chars and it keeps changing textures. oh and i have english version but i think the dlc is UK is that the problem pleas help i cant patch cause the game gives errors and i got th e dlc from a disk witch had a name Skidrow and a demo of its logo with wiered music. sorry for my bad english i hope you figure out what i mean.
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No, the expansion pack does not contain the main game. You will need to buy it separately. Get and install the main game first, then install the expansion after that is working. Or alternatively, Get the Game of the Year version which contains the main game plus all of the DLCs.


We cannot make exceptions to our no piracy policy. So Banned for piracy. It's not uncommon for the game to fail when trying to combine parts from different language versions. And it is not uncommon for pirated versions to have strange problems.


Come back when you have a legal copy.

Bben46, Moderator

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